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Patient Responsibilities

Patients not only have rights, but they also have responsibilities. According to the Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, patients must:

  • Be responsible for their own health.
    • Maximize healthy habits such as exercising, not smoking, and eating a healthy diet.
    • Prevent the spread of their disease.
    • Work with healthcare providers to make healthcare decisions and carry out upon treatment plans.
    • Understand the risks and limits of the science of medical care and that healthcare professionals can make mistakes.
  • Provide information about their health and let healthcare provider know what they want and need. They must also report wrongdoing or fraud to the appropriate people or legal authorities.
  • Be financially and administratively responsible.
    • Make a good-faith effort to meet financial obligations.
    • Be knowledgeable about his or her health plan coverage and health plan options (when available) including all covered benefits, limitations, and exclusions, rules regarding use of network providers, coverage and referral rules, appropriate processes to secure additional information, and the process to appeal coverage decisions.
    • Follow administrative procedures of health plans, healthcare providers, and Government health benefit programs.
  • Be respectful to others.
    • Show respect for other patients and health workers.
    • Be aware of a healthcare provider’s obligation to be reasonably efficient and equitable in providing care to other patients and the community.

Rights and Responsibilities


Watch this video explaining patient’s rights and responsibilities

What do you need to do to protect patient privacy? Let’s see. >>>

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