Patricia Valverde, PNTC director
Dear PNTC community,
It has been a busy spring and summer for the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative! We have delivered trainings all over Colorado (including Delta on the Western Slope and Alamosa in southern Colorado), traveled to South Dakota to do Motivational Interviewing workshops, and this week we are headed to Tennessee!
We wanted to give you an update on our program. As we have announced, our grant funding from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment ended June 30. We have implemented a fee-for-service model for upcoming courses. We have two Patient Navigation Fundamentals (Level 1) courses scheduled for fall (one in person and one online) and registration is open!
We are exploring ways to offer scholarships in the future. Right now, these courses are available for a fee. For the in-person course, Colorado navigators qualify for a discounted rate of $500; out-of-state participants are $750. The cost for the online course, launching Oct 1, is $550. The rates we are offering are greatly reduced from the actual cost of $1,500, so now is a great time to enroll. See registration details below.
We are excited to pilot an online version of our popular Care Coordination course this fall. Registration will open soon. We thank you for your support!
Patricia Valverde, PhD, MPH
Level 1: Patient Navigation Fundamentals
Topics in this comprehensive “Level 1” training include patient communication, health promotion, professional conduct and motivational interviewing.
When: Sept 17-19
Where: University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO
Level 1: Patient Navigation Fundamentals Online
Learn patient navigation basics in a virtual environment! You will learn the history of patient navigation, client assessment skills, health promotion and patient communication.
When: Sept. 24-Nov. 16
NEW! Level 2: Care Coordination for Patient Navigators Online
You will be guided step-by-step to learn the basic skills and advanced strategies to enhance team-based care and client engagement for better health outcomes, patient safety, and workflow efficiency.
When: Oct. 13-Nov 9
More details