Patient Navigator Fundamentals Pre-work
To receive a certificate of completion for this course you must attend and actively participate in all days of training AND complete course pre-work. Completing pre-work before class helps prepare you for learning and allows us to spend more time in class on activities and group discussion. Pre-work also helps ensure that courses end on time each day. It’s very important that you complete pre-work activities before attending class.
[content_box style=”green” title=”Patient Navigator Fundamentals Pre-work”]Click on the links below to download your pre-work assignments.
READ: Harold Freeman article: “Origin, Evolution, and Principles of Patient Navigation”
BRING: A resource directory or the link to a directory or 2_resource_to_share and would like to share with colleagues
READ: “Setting and Maintaining Professional Boundaries”
COMPLETE: 4_prework_moral_decisions
COMPLETE: “Ethics and the Law” eLearning Course Module (from Introduction to the Healthcare System course)
REVIEW: 6_prework_prof_boundaries_definitions
REVIEW: 7_watch_your_step-article