Care Coordination ECHO series
Date(s) - 06/05/2018
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Team-Based Care Coordination: Understand, Communicate, and Work At The Top Of Your Scope
Care coordination is a set of shared strategies for preventing and managing chronic conditions to improve health, quality of care, and cost outcomes. This free six-week ECHO learning series (held online, via Zoom web conferencing) is designed to help non-licensed care coordinators, patient navigators, and community health workers better understand, communicate, and work at the top of their scope. Each session will introduce, build upon, and hone relevant skills for effective team-based care coordination for non-licensed staff working with patients.
Audience: Care coordinators (licensed or non-licensed) with a desire to maximize their contribution to team-based care.
Learning objective: To improve the health and quality of care for patients with chronic disease by providing care coordinators with foundational knowledge and practice opportunities for prevention and management strategies.
This ECHO series is offered in partnership with the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative (PNTC), the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center (RMPHTC) and the Care Coordination Central (CCC).