13139143_934591879994419_8324526716091516269_nJune is all about the guys: It is Men’s Health Month, and June 13-19 is Men’s Health Week. The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys, according to menshealthmonth.org.  Here are a few webinars and resources to check out:

Men’s Health Week Twitter Chat On African American Men’s Mental Health
Date/Time: June 16, 9-10 am MST/11-12 pm EST
Suicide is the third leading cause of death among African American men ages 15 to 24 years old. Left untreated, mental disorders can also make African American men more vulnerable to substance abuse, homelessness, incarceration, and homicide.

In recognition of National Men’s Health Week, we invite you to join the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and NIMHD for a Twitter chat to discuss African American men’s mental health. NIMH expert Matthew Rudorfer, M.D., and NIMHD expert Courtney Ferrell Aklin, Ph.D., will be on hand to answer your questions regarding this important topic. Use the hashtag #NIMHchats to follow along!

Men and Lupus Webinar for Men’s Health Month
Date/Time: June 15, 1 pm MST/3 pm EST
This webinar will explain how lupus presents in men in comparison to women; describe racial/ethnic differences in men with lupus; and explore the importance of early diagnosis of lupus in men. Although lupus mostly impacts women of childbearing age, men and children can develop lupus. The one-hour webinar offers 1 CHES credit. Click here for more info and to register.

Men’s Health Month website

Celebrate National Men’s Health Week – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Manly Myths Quiz – Web MD

Know What Men’s Health Screenings You Need – Military Health Systems Communications Office