Here’s an opportunity to attend two great level 3 courses June 2-4th in Denver. Level 3 courses are designed for those who supervise, manage and are developing patient navigator programs. Take one or the two courses in conjunction!
Pre-requisite for both courses: Must be a patient navigator supervisor, manager, evaluator or planning to implement a patient navigator program.
Patient Navigator Supervisor: Leading and Administering a Patient Navigator Program
The course provides a basic understanding of the patient navigator (PN) intervention model, reviews challenges facing PN program managers and provides strategies for an effective PN program. We will review identifying evidenced-based clinical guidelines utilizing registries for identifying patients, developing standard work flows, PN training, key supervision needs and evaluation of PN services.
This two-day course is designed to meet the needs of Patient Navigator Supervisors who want to increase basic evaluation skills. Participants will learn to use evaluation to improve prevention interventions; define common evaluation terms; use logic models to describe interventions; develop and prioritize evaluation questions; identify steps to prepare for evaluation; and identify strategies for building evaluation capacity within their organization
To register, click on each course name or register for both here.