We all know that too much stress is a bad thing and most of us would like to manage it better, but when we step into the chaos of our daily lives, the quiet voice of serenity in our heads gets a lot harder to listen to. Brain research shows how stress impacts a wide range of cognitive functions. Our clients have additional challenges that make it difficult for them to implement the changes we are helping them to develop. In addition, working with people in need can lead to secondary trauma and burnout. 

Relaxation and Introspection Techniques
Offered by The Human Services Network of CO
Jan 20, 10-11:30 am MT
Cost: $75

This workshop offers strategies and tools for your survival kit that you can put into practice so they don’t require much thought or effort when they are really needed. You can also share these techniques with your clients to help them develop more resilience to the stress and trauma in their lives.

Concepts in this workshop are based on research and methods from authors such as Jon Kabat-Zinn (Full Catastrophe Living) Martin Seligman (Flourish), Rick Hanson (Hardwiring Happiness), Daniel Siegel (Mindsight) and Herbert Benson (The Relaxation Response) as well as methods developed over years of personal and professional practice.