Motivational Interviewing Learning Lab: Resistance and Discord

Motivational Interviewing Learning Lab: Resistance and Discord

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Date(s) - 05/22/2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am


Join us in May and June for a series of virtual Learning Labs focused on growing your Motivational Interviewing Skills! You may attend the whole series or choose one or two sessions. Each workshop will be interactive and feature both large and small-group activities.

May 22, 10-11:30 am MT: Rolling with Resistance and Discord
Resistance is likely to arise when a client is pushed too hard or too fast to change. Motivational Interviewing describes two types of resistance talk: sustain talk and discord. Learn more about how to put MI skills to use during challenging conversations. Prerequisite: Basic MI course or familiarity with Basic MI skills (open ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, summaries)
