Motivational Interviewing: A Practical Approach to Health Behavior Change
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Date(s) - 09/15/2016
9:00 am - 10:00 am
This is a CLOSED series especially for WISEWOMAN coaches.
About this Learning Community:
Highlighting all aspects of Motivational Interviewing, this series will engage the Wisewoman Health Coaches statewide, to build their competence in Motivational Interviewing. Not only does this series build on the participants’ foundational knowledge of MI techniques, but it will provide a forum for participants to apply newly acquired knowledge and skills in a real-time fashion. Upon completion of this series participants will increase their skillset in:
- Applying the MI Spirit across four processes engage, focus, evoke, and plan
- Recognizing to use MI techniques including the 5 A’s and the Stages of Change Models
- Applying MI micro-skills
- Utilizing MI strategies to evoke and strengthen clients’ motivation for behavior change
- Developing SMART action plans
- July 21, 2016: Intro to ECHO
- August 4, 2016: 5 A’s, Stage of Change and MI: Knowing When to Use MI
- August 18, 2016: Engaging Clients
- September 1, 2016: Focusing the Conversation
- September 15, 2016: Evoking Importance and Confidence to Build Motivation
- September 29, 2016: Moving to Action
- October 13, 2016: Creating a SMART Action Plan
- October 27, 2016: Pulling it All Together: Using the MI Conversation Road Map
For more about ECHO Colorado learning communities, visit