
Take a drive in this lovely fall weather to attend an Advanced MI workshop in Montrose

Level 2: Advanced Motivational Interviewing
for Patient Navigators 

Date/Time: October 23rd, 9:00am – 4:00pm
Location: Montrose
Register for Advanced Motivational Interviewing

This advanced level motivational interviewing (MI) course builds on the fundamental concepts and basic skills learned in the Patient Navigator Fundamentals course.

  • Expand your skills related to the strategic use of questions and reflections
  • Build upon and deepen client change talk

…and don’t forget Durango this time of year!

Level 2: Advanced Health Literacy – Making Health Information More Accessible 

Date/Time: October 19th, 9:00am – 4:30pm
Location: Durango
Register for Advanced Health Literacy

Are you interested in practicing strategies to modify your written and verbal communication in order to increase patient understanding of health information? This 1-day workshop will be highly interactive and activity-based!