The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) would like to introduce a Community of Practice for Community Health Workers. If you are a CHW, Health Navigator, Patient Navigator, Promotora de salud or similar role you are invited to join a network of CHWs from all over Colorado, to share best practices and identify training opportunities that fits your needs. The Community of Practice will be designed for Community Health Workers from all over Colorado who are working in health or community-based settings to learn from one another, share resources and best practices and provide you the opportunity to explore new training opportunities in your roles.
In addition, CDPHE is providing the opportunity to learn more about diabetes and cardiovascular prevention and management and how you can incorporate programs such as National DPP and DSMES into your communities.
The Community of Practice will convene on a quarterly basis. The first CHW Community of Practice meeting will take place on Thursday February 29, 2024 at 12 PM. Please register at Colorado CHW Community of Practice. If you have any questions, please contact yvette.camarena@state.co.us.