Webinar: Mandatory Reporting and Child/Elder Abuse

Overview: This presentation covers mandatory reporting, focusing on child abuse, neglect, and the abuse and exploitation of at-risk elders and adults. It also addresses emergency procedures and the mandates for reporting threats to self, others, or entities....

Be a Part of Shaping the Future of CHW’s

The Colorado Legislature passed Senate Bill 23-002 in May 2023, ushering in community health worker (CHW) services as a Health First Colorado benefit starting July 1, 2025. Seeking federal authorization from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) by July...

Colorado Seeks to Hire Digital Navigators

In this role (15 openings in rural workforce centers, 4 in immigrant-serving organizations in Denver and Colorado Springs), you’ll work one-on-one during 60 minute appointments with up to four community members per work day. Your goal is to help them get...

Adopting Community Health Workers as an Umbrella Term

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is beginning to use the term “community health worker” instead of “health navigators” in an effort to better align with other states and prepare for Medicaid reimbursement in the future. Those working in these...

January Spotlight on Cervical Cancer Awareness

  As January unfolds, we turn our attention to an important health initiative—Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. This month serves as a dedicated platform to shed light on the prevention, early detection, and understanding of cervical cancer. Our goal is to...