Patient Navigator News | Patient Navigator Training Collaborative Navigate to new knowledge and skills. Wed, 20 Jul 2022 15:18:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 81030388 Patient Navigation featured in journal supplement Tue, 19 Jul 2022 18:47:25 +0000 Patient navigation, trained individualized assistance that guides patients, families and caregivers through a complex care system, is one of the only evidence-based interventions to eliminate health disparities and improve health equity across the cancer continuum.

The National Navigation Roundtable, along with American Cancer Society, released the new supplement to the journal Cancer titled “A Decade Later: The State of Patient Navigation in Cancer Care,” detailing the impact of patient navigation and the key role it plays in improving outcomes for cancer patients. The supplement is a follow-up to a previous publication, released in 2011, titled “National Patient Navigation Leadership Summit: Measuring the Impact and Potential of Patient Navigation.

Patient navigation fills a key gap along the cancer journey that fulfills the mission of NNRT commitment to ensuring everyone has an equal chance to fight and overcome cancer.

Colorado authors featured in the supplement include:

The supplement includes articles authored by Alliance Executive Committee Members Andrea (Andi) Dwyer (Director, Colorado Cancer Screening Program) and Linda Burhansstipanov, MSPH, DrPH (Founder, Native American Cancer Research Corporation), as well as Colorado partners Patricia Valverde, PhD, MPH (Director, Patient Navigator Training Collaborative and assistant professor, Colorado School of Public Health), Elsa Weltzien, MPH (Senior Program Manager, Colorado Cancer Screening Program) and Betsy Risendal, PhD (Professor, Colorado School of Public Health).

Source: National Navigation Roundtable and American Cancer Society

Task group calls for for standardization of PN core competencies Thu, 21 Nov 2019 18:45:37 +0000 In an recent journal article, the National Navigation Roundtable (NNRT) calls for the standardization of  patient navigation core competencies across training programs.

The article was published in Cancer, an international interdisciplinary journal of the American Cancer Society. In the article, a task group from the NNRT examines patient navigator training programs across the country, including the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative (PNTC). The lead author on the article is Patricia Valverde, PhD, MPH, the director of PNTC.

The review of training programs found that nationwide, patient navigator training content is inconsistent, with considerable differences in duration, location, format and content. The task group suggests that a necessary step in the evolution of patient navigation would be the standardization of a minimum set of core competencies across all training programs that prepare individuals to enter the patient navigation workforce.

Read full text of article here

The National Navigation Roundtable is a voluntary collective of more than 40 organizations convened to enhance health equity, improve health outcomes, and broaden access to quality care through a focus on patient navigation. The organization met for its annual meeting in Washington DC, on Nov. 19.

National Navigation Roundtable needs your input Thu, 02 May 2019 18:28:49 +0000 Does your navigation program measure the outcomes of your work?
Do you find it challenging to collect data on your navigation program?
Or has your program created successful practices to demonstrate the value of your navigation program?

The National Navigation Roundtable wants to hear from you!

We are gathering input from navigators of all types and all settings (community health workers, patient navigators, nurse and social work navigators) and program administrators to identify the challenges, successes, and barriers to the implementation of cancer patient navigation metrics. The National Navigation Roundtable is interested in hearing your feedback and will use this information to develop tools and resources for navigators and navigation programs in an effort to support programs.

This survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes of your time. Your feedback is extremely important, and your responses are completely anonymous.

The survey is an open link and open for 6 weeks, closing on June 7. Please forward to other individuals who are appropriate to complete, forward to other navigators in your organization, navigation supervisors, and cancer program administrators.

Begin Survey Now

If you have any questions, please send an email to

This survey is being administered by the Evidence Based Promising Practices Task Group of the National Navigation Roundtable (NNRT). The NNRT is a national coalition of over 50-member organization and invited individuals launched by the American Cancer Society in 2017, dedicated to achieving health equity and access to quality care across the cancer continuum through effective patient navigation.

For more information about the National Navigation Roundtable, please visit

Thank you for your input and contribution to this important survey!

Source: The National Navigation Roundtable

Screening program’s navigation efforts recognized at Colorado Capitol Thu, 28 Mar 2019 21:03:26 +0000

By Andrea (Andi) Dwyer, CCSP Director

On March 27, The Colorado Cancer Screening Program (CCSP) received a special recognition from the Colorado General Assembly at the State Capital in Denver, CO, honoring the impact of patient navigation and the CCSP Program over the last decade.  Representative Perry Will presented CCSP the acknowledgement and Speaker of the House, K.C. Becker and several others shared perspective about the value of prevention and reducing barriers to care.

The Colorado Cancer Screening Program (CCSP) for Patient Navigation is a statewide program that partners with safety net hospitals and clinics to offer no-cost patient navigation services for cancer screening to the medically underserved of Colorado. The program is coordinated through the University of Colorado Cancer Center, with funding support from the Cancer Cardiovascular and Chronic Pulmonary Disease (CCPD) Grants Program.

Colorectal cancer screening is the cornerstone of the CCSP program as the second leading cause of cancer death;  killing equal numbers of men and women in Colorado. CCSP has dedicated the past decade to prevention and has navigated over 30,000 Coloradans from nearly every Colorado county. CCSP’s health care network has have detected cancer in more than 300 patients. Those patients may have gone on to have more advanced disease, poorer prognosis and/or diminished quality of life.  CCSP estimates it has prevented 500 cancers (detection of advanced adenomas) and saved the health care system conservatively $12 million, based on the amount to treat these colon and rectal cancers (first course of therapy) minus the costs to administer the Program.

CCSP is particularly interested in  ensuring resources are dedicated to rural and frontier communities and now a watchful eye to the growing number of young people who are diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

Members of the Colorado Cancer Coalition, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Fight Colorectal Cancer, Colorado Community Health Network and CCSP staff all attended in support of the Program.

Program Director, Andrea (Andi) Dwyer hopes this a step in ensuring patient navigation and further cancer prevention efforts are sustained in Colorado and nationally; which is a goal over the next several years for CCSP and many partners.

Below, from left: Colorado Community Health Network’s Yvette Camarena, CCSP Program Coordinator Elsa Weltzien, Fight CRC’s Reese Garcia, CCSP Director: Andrea (Andi) Dwyer , CCSP Manager Lori Workman, CCSP Coordinator Amie Muraski, CDPHE Comprehensive Cancer Program’s Magen Phillips, Colorado Cancer Coalition and Colorectal Task Force’s Karen Wehling, CDPHE Comprehensive Cancer Program’s Becky Selig.

Scholarship opportunity to take the Health Navigator Competency Assessment Tue, 05 Mar 2019 21:30:41 +0000 The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) recently launched the Colorado Health Navigator Registry, a voluntary, public registry of lay health navigators in Colorado who meet core competencies to perform successfully in health care. This is one of multiple efforts to advance credentialing as part of the Health Navigator Workforce Development Initiative. You can learn more about it here.

Health navigators who successfully complete a recognized training program and competency assessment are eligible to be listed in the Registry. CDPHE has released a scholarship opportunity for navigators interested in getting on the Registry who could benefit from financial support to register for the competency assessment.

Click HERE to access the application & requirements.

The number of scholarships awarded will depend on the number of applications received.

The application is due on Thursday, March 14, 2019.

Click here for more information on PNTC’s Training Pathway for the competency assessment.

Source: CDPHE

New resource available: “Patient Navigation in Cancer Care: Review of Payment Models for a Sustainable Future” Tue, 05 Feb 2019 16:53:08 +0000 Patient navigation has been shown to improve patient health outcomes, decrease hospital readmissions and emergency room visits, and increase patient satisfaction and quality of life. To build support for expanding critical navigation services to more patients across the country, the National Navigation Roundtable is proud to release Patient Navigation in Cancer Care: Review of Payment Models for a Sustainable Future.

This issue brief:

  • defines patient navigation;
  • catalogues the evidence of navigation’s impact on the patient experience, health outcomes and costs;
  • explores how navigation can help providers and payers meet quality measures; and
  • highlights short- and long-term models for funding navigation today and in the future

Drawing on examples of cancer-related navigation and bringing in lessons from navigation for other health conditions, the brief looks across the spectrum of navigation program funding models, from Medicaid fee-for-service to Medicare shared savings programs, from private and public insurance innovation to grants. Patient Navigation in Cancer Care closes by encouraging decision-makers to take specific steps to sustainably embed navigation into cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and survivorship care.

View Resource Here

Source: National Navigation Roundtable

In the news: Metro Community Provider Network expands navigation program Tue, 08 Jan 2019 19:27:17 +0000 Metro Community Provider Network Patient Navigators Connected Patients to more than 7,100 Community Resources in 2018

In 2018, Metro Community Provider Network (MCPN) doubled the size of its Patient Navigation program, expanding Cancer Screening Navigation and adding Prenatal Engagement Navigation to target specific populations. In total, Patient Navigators connected MCPN patients with more than 7,100 individual community resources.

“Patient Navigation in the healthcare system can greatly benefit quality outcomes and reduce barriers to care,” said Sophia Alires-Morgan, Director of Consumer Engagement. “For a number of years, MCPN’s Patient Navigation team has partnered with external agencies, such as the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, HealthLeads and the Patient Navigation Training Collaborative to build a Navigation program for our own patients. We are pleased to share the results from this data and are excited to see how the endless efforts of Navigation will provide awareness and education to each patient at MCPN.”

Read Full Story Here

Source: MCPN


Webinar Aug 10: Prostate Cancer – What the PN CHW and PdS Community Needs to Know Wed, 08 Aug 2018 17:57:57 +0000 Presented by the Patient Navigator, Community Health Worker and Promoter de Salud Alliance.
When: 2 pm MT Friday, August 10
Cost: Free!

The PN CHW PdS Alliance, with support from the Colorado Cancer Coalition, will be launching a webinar series for motivational interviewing this fall. This effort will be dedicated to applying motivational interviewing techniques to connect with difficult to reach populations throughout Colorado to increase cancer screening and prevention.

To prepare for the fall MI series, the Alliance will host basic sessions about cancer prevention and screening. Join us for the first session on prostate cancer, Aug. 10 at 2 pm MT, featuring Dr.  Paul Maroni, the Clinical Director of Urologic Oncology at the University of Colorado.

Join webinar via Zoom

Via Telephone:  1 669 900 6833  or 1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 434 378 641

Motivational Interviewing focus group participants needed Wed, 11 Jul 2018 20:05:46 +0000 Are you a navigator, community health worker or promotora in rural Colorado? We NEED your voice for a Motivational Interviewing focus group! Participation is online, so there is no need to travel.

The Community Health Worker, Patient Navigator and Promotore de Salud Alliance is creating advanced motivational interview (MI) sessions for PNs, CHWs, PdS and care coordinators throughout the state to put into practice the MI techniques many have learned in a formal setting. The sessions are geared towards understanding how to apply the principles of MI for difficult to reach populations for preventive cancer screening (such as breast, cervical, colorectal and lung).

We are asking for your valuable time to provide input about what issues you are facing in the field to navigate for cancer prevention, and what common issues you experience where you need help. The Alliance team has created modules for integrating motivational interviewing and how to apply its principles towards difficult to reach-populations. Your feedback about whether the approaches we are creating are consistent with the needs in your community is very valuable to us.

When: Noon-1 pm July 23 OR 8:30-9:30 am Aug. 1 (MT)

If you are interested in participating in a one hour focus group to discuss the issues you are facing in the field, and whether the approaches we are creating are consistent with your needs, please fill out this brief survey to confirm availability.

Source:  Community Health Worker, Patient Navigator and Promotore de Salud Alliance

14 health navigators pass competency assessment; added to statewide registry Thu, 28 Jun 2018 16:58:43 +0000 The Patient Navigator Training Collaborative wishes to congratulate the navigators who have passed the state competency assessment! The assessment was offered for the first time June 2.

View the Health Navigator Registry here

Colorado has established the first competency-based statewide registry in the nation for health navigators, an emerging workforce that has been proven to increase patient access to health care, improve health outcomes and equity, and reduce health care costs.

The first 14 health navigators to pass a comprehensive competency assessment developed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment were added to the Colorado Health Navigator Registry today.

“I want to congratulate these navigators on completing this extensive test of their knowledge and skills as well as thank them for their contributions to improving the health of Coloradans,” said Elizabeth Whitley, director of the health department’s Prevention Services Division and a pioneer in health navigation.  

A health navigator is a trained, unlicensed member of the health care team who helps patients overcome barriers to health care and navigate the complex health care system. They help patients make, keep and prepare for appointments; arrange transportation and translation services; link patients and families to community resources; coordinate care across different health care providers; and work with patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage their own health care. They work statewide in hospitals, community health centers, private practices and other agencies.

CDPHE funded a survey of health care employers that shows a growing demand for a qualified unlicensed workforce to provide navigation services in urban and rural areas of Colorado. More than six of 10 employers surveyed said they would prefer to hire trained health navigators.

The health department has invested more than $30 million since 2012 to develop a statewide health navigator workforce. The department has worked with local programs, community colleges and other state agencies to define the skills and competencies needed by health navigators, fund and standardize training, develop curriculum for private and public educators, and develop a voluntary registry to measure the skills and competencies of those working in the field.

Those health navigators added to the Colorado Health Navigator Registry  were assessed during a four-hour training session developed by the University of Colorado Center for Advancing Professional Excellence. In reality-based encounters with trained actors, they had to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the health care system, health beliefs and behaviors, community resources and referral systems, and legal and ethical health care issues. They must know how to assess patient needs, communicate with patients and providers, and coordinate clinical, behavioral and emergency health care.

Listing in the registry helps entry-level navigators demonstrate their qualifications to potential employers and adds a layer of protection for patients.

LEARN MORE: Tune in July 13 for a webinar on the Health Navigator Registry.

Source: Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment

Colorado patient navigation leaders help launch National Navigation Roundtable Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:09:08 +0000

From left, Patricia Valverde, Andrea Dwyer and Linda Burhansstipanov attend the NNRT.

Patient navigation leaders, including several from Colorado, convened in Washington, DC, on Nov. 7 for the inaugural meeting of the National Navigation Roundtable (NNRT).

The NNRT, sponsored by American Cancer Society, is a national coalition of more than 40 members organization and individuals who are dedicated to achieving health equity and access to care across the cancer continuum. Its goal is to advance navigation efforts that eliminate barriers to cancer care, reduce disparities in health outcomes, and foster ongoing health equity.

 “The NNRT provides an opportunity to ensure we are working to advance navigation deliberately in a sustainable, unified manner across state lines,” said Andrea (Andi) Dwyer, Vice-Chair of the NNRT.

Dwyer is Director of the Colorado Colorectal Screening Program at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and Program Director at the Colorado School of Public Health. She leads key statewide outreach efforts for the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative (PNTC) and is a lead instructor for the program.

PNTC director Patricia Valverde, PhD, MPH, attended the meeting and let the Training and Certification task group with Linda Burhansstipanov, DrPH, MSPH, president of Native American Cancer Initiatives and Colorado resident.

“I am very excited to be involved with these efforts on a national level,” said Dr. Valverde.

The NNRT plans to meet monthly via web and in-person annually to focus on:

  • Establishing an evidence-based/outcome driven patient navigation model
  • Ensuring there is an activated, trained workforce to implement the model
  • Establish policies to support paying for implementation of the model.

Spring 2017 Course preview Mon, 21 Nov 2016 18:39:14 +0000 logo_vecSpring 2017 workshop schedule coming soon!

We are working hard on our workshop calendar for 2017! Here’s a preview of what’s to come:

Level 1: Patient Navigator Fundamentals
January: Denver
March: Fort Collins
May: Glenwood Springs

We are planning to offer advanced courses in the central and north Denver metro areas, as well as the western slope.

Do you live in the Durango area? Take this brief survey and let us know what courses we should bring to you!

Bridging Theory and Practice will be held in March in Arvada.

ECHO Learning Sessions will be held in Care Coordination and Motivational Interviewing. There will also be opportunities for PNs to receive one-on-one Motivational Interviewing coaching. More details to come!

What’s next for healthcare after the election? Tue, 15 Nov 2016 19:43:05 +0000 healthcare-questionsThere is a lot of uncertainty on the future of healthcare since the presidential election. Patients and healthcare providers alike are grappling with this uncertainty, as there is a lot we simply don’t know. President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to repeal Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but what does this mean for the health insurance landscape? Below, are some non-partisan articles examining possible scenarios and what could come next.

Many experts agree that overhauling the ACA would take time. It is unlikely that anything will change in 2017, as “It’s a complex process to alter a law as complicated as the ACA,” said Sara Rosenbaum, a professor of health law and policy at George Washington University, in a Kaiser Health News article.

According to Elizabeth Hagen, senior policy analyst for Families USA, Republican proposals to repeal the ACA will likely include a transition period so people do not experience a sudden disruption in coverage. Read more of her blog here.

About 20 million people have gained health insurance coverage since the ACA was implemented.

According to Connect for Health Colorado’s CEO Kevin Patterson, until the new administration and Congress develop a new direction, the health insurance marketplace will continue with normal operations.

“We urge our customers to continue to shop for the best coverage for themselves and their families in 2017 and complete their enrollment by Dec. 15, 2016, to avoid a gap in coverage,” Patterson said in an email statement to stakeholders. About 168,000 Colorado residents have healthcare coverage through Connect for Health Colorado.

More articles:

Compiled by Erin Martinez, PNTC Communications Manager

Annual conference highlights importance of health literacy in improving patient care Tue, 25 Oct 2016 21:05:41 +0000 image005

By Alejandra Armenta, PNTC Intern

The second annual Colorado Health Literacy Coalition Conference was held at the University of Colorado Hospital Conference Center on Oct. 21, 2016. This event was aimed primarily at clinicians, health educators, patient navigators, hospitals representatives and the general public interested in health literacy.

The Colorado Health Literacy Coalition Conference educated the audience with innovative techniques that will help them create more health literate health care organizations. According to the Coalition, health literacy allows patients and families to receive and understand health information so they can be advocates for their own care. image007

During the course of the conference, guests were encouraged to attend speaker-led interactive workshops. Speakers engaged attendees in a positive dialogue in order for people to improve their skills and knowledge about health literacy.

According to conference guest speaker Mary Ann Abrams, many health problems are linked to low health literary. These include:

  • Poor ability to interpret labels and health messages
  • Greater use of emergency care
  • Higher health care cost
  • Poor ability to demonstrate taking medicines appropriately

If patient navigators and other healthcare professionals improve their health literacy skills, they will have better communication with their patients and serve their needs. Improved health literacy is the key to improving care quality, reducing medical errors, facilitating shared decision-making and improving health outcomes.

image001Why is it important to use Health Literacy at your work? 

“We are the first contact sometimes after getting discharged, or in my case with the asthma visits, they tend to call me first, because they feel more comfortable. And of course with health literacy, I can explain things better. They won’t be scared or stressed because they feel more confident asking questions.”

Raquel Figueroa, Patient Navigator at Denver Health, who works with asthma patients


Alejandra Armenta is a student at CU-Denver, with a double major of Ethnic Studies and Public Health.

PN community gathers to share news, shape vision for workforce Mon, 11 Jul 2016 19:24:02 +0000 20160708_140227More than 110 people from around the state participated in the Patient Navigator, Community Health Worker and Promotor de Salud Alliance Summer Meeting on July 8. The conference room at the COPIC insurance offices in Lowry was packed, and dozens more people joined via web connection to hear all the latest updates on PN/CHW/PdS news in Colorado.

The meeting was held to re-launch the Alliance (formerly called the Collaborative, but a separate organization than the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative) and convene the CHW, PN and PdS community to share opportunities to advance and sustain initiatives in Colorado.

Updates included:

Patient Navigator Training Collaborative: The PNTC has been offering trainings throughout the state since 2006. The training program has grown each year and trains hundreds of people per year in both basic skills and advanced curriculum.

“We do focus on the role of navigation – even if it’s not done by a patient navigator. So we try to make sure our content is relevant whether you’re called a community health worker, care coordinator, case manager… which is kind of a shift than previously,” said Patricia Valverde, PNTC director.

Otero Junior College: Located in La Junta, CO, Otero offers a 1-year Community Health Worker Certificate. This counts toward a Health Navigator Associate’s degree, and the college is working with four-year partners to articulate this into an bachelors’ degree.

“We have been very successful in reaching those underserved populations as our students. We are very excited about the number of first generation student who are coming to our classes,” said Kaysie Schmidt, OJC Health Navigation faculty member. The program plans to launch a distance learning option in the fall to expand reach outside the region.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Workforce Initiative: This effort is to establish a competency-based credentialing program and registry for the state’s rapidly growing patient navigator workforce.

There are countless titles given to people performing navigation activities, but “They are really known for their ability to facilitate access to care, improvements in the quality of care and cultural competence in that care,” said Pat Uris, senior consultant for CDPHE’s Prevention Services Division.

The initiative aims to define the competencies and standardize the training for these unlicensed personnel to add a layer of protection for patients and employers, Uris said. Both the credentialed training program and the patient navigator registry will be voluntary. Initiative members envision that a navigator will learn a standard set of basic skills and pass a competency test, which will earn them a place on the registry.

Health Care Policy and Finance: Rocky Mountain Health Plans shared activities from the Regional Care Collaborative efforts, such as project on the Western Slope using navigators to work with clients one-on-one with the goal of reducing ER utilization rates.

In addition, the Colorado Regional Health Connectors program gave an update on their efforts. Regional Health Connectors  or RHCs are dedicated to improving the coordination of local services to advance health. The work of each RHC will be driven by the unique needs of their region. The common goal of the RHC program is to identify and address gaps in a comprehensive environment of care by enabling primary care practices to address all the determinants of health and by removing common obstacles between doctor’s recommendations and a patient’s daily life.

After the updates from the various organizations involved in PN work, participants met in small groups and gave feedback on the proposed Alliance Mission and Charter document.

The Alliance was formed in 2012 as a grassroots organization in an effort to align all of the various patient navigator/community health worker/promotoras groups in Colorado and identify and develop a sustainable model for this important work. The statewide coalition is composed of local and state agencies, advocacy groups, philanthropic organizations and public and private health plan representatives.

Up Next

  • If you participated in the meeting and would like to share your thoughts, click here for a post-meeting survey.
  • The next all-member CHW PN and PdS Alliance meeting date will be announced by early August. The group plans to meet quarterly.
  • If you are interested in joining in the CHW Competencies Workgroup, this meeting will be held on August 8, 2016, from 1-2:30 pm via Zoom Connection (this webconnection modality has option for phone and computer). Email Andi Dwyer if you would like to join at
Native Patient Navigation course to be offered in August Wed, 29 Jun 2016 20:27:43 +0000 Native PicNative American Cancer Research (NACR) proudly announces a training course on Native Patient Navigation that includes American Indian Cultural Competency training, along with other sessions that address competency standards for patient  navigators.

Date: Aug. 15-17, 2016
Location: 3605 S. Hampden Ave. (Wadsworth & Hampden), Denver, CO
Fee: $550

The attached overview of the 2.5-day training outlines the course content as well as the location, schedule, and expectations for participants. To register, complete the form and email to

Native American Cancer Research is a leader  in the field of American Indian cultural patient navigation, focusing on cancer patient navigation.  The course has been designed to provide the new patient navigator basic skills necessary to begin providing patient navigation to patients while under the supervision of or in partnership with a clinical partner.  The course will also provide current nurses, CN, lay individuals, and family members a guideline for establishing a patient navigation program or for providing patient navigation for a family member.

Go to the Native American Cancer Research website to learn more about NACR and the training and outreach work that has been done over the last twenty years.  Register early to hold your slot.  Payment is due with the registration by Aug 1, 2016.  Course perfect for Community Health Representatives, Nurses, Community Health Aides, and other interested in learning more about Native Patient Navigation.

Patient navigation is a patient-centric healthcare service delivery model. It is a patient-centric concept that concentrates on the movement of patients along the continuum of medical care.  This training focuses on cancer patient navigation with American Indian patients.

Course Instructors:  The course will be taught by a staff of four individuals including Linda Burhansstipanov, DrPH, MSPH, Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, who has been a leader nationally in patient navigation since the early 1990s, working with Dr. Harold Freeman and others to first do research on patient navigation and give guidance and direction to others working in the field;  Linda U Krebs, PhD, RN, AOCN, FAAN, a professional nurse and educator who has provided cancer care for over 35 years and has worked with the AI community for over twenty; Lisa D. Harjo, MAEd, a well-known trainer and health educator who has worked in the field for over 16 years and has helped develop curriculum for patient navigation programs in many tribes and communities; and Corrie Santos, PhD Ed, who did her dissertation with patient navigation throughout the country.


PNTC trainer visits White House to advocate for cancer research Fri, 17 Jun 2016 16:25:26 +0000 Andi picAndrea (Andi) Dwyer, a trainer for the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative and co-director of the Colorado Colorectal Screening Program at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, recently visited Washington, D.C., and met with White House officials to discuss colorectal cancer advocacy. She is pictured here (at center) with Amy Williams (right), National Cancer Institute, Acting Director Office of Advocacy, and Patrick Mahoney (left), Advocacy Relations Manager Office of Advocacy.

Here is Andi’s blog about the experience:

It’s not every day you check your voice mail to learn that you are being invited to the White House to share your experience. It was my first and it was fantastic experience.  The invite came from the National Cancer Institute, following up on research advocacy and work I’ve led in partnership with University of Colorado and Fight Colorectal Cancer.

This voice message held a special invite to come to the White House with a special team of the Vice President’s Moonshot Program, to share experiences with linking to patients clinical trials. I was invited because of my connection with Fight CRC and efforts at University of Colorado as we’ve tackled this extremely complex but necessary effort.  Specifically, to think about how the current search engine tools in the field and how can be enhanced to help patients, clinicians, caregivers and anyone looking for a clinical trial in cancer might connect.

There is a lot of fantastic work outlined in the Moonshot program, much of it centered on connecting and improving resources that are already in existence, and dedicated conversations to be sure this effort continues on even beyond this administration.

Prior to my White House meeting, I connected with leadership here at CU, with Fight CRC, the Colorado Cancer Coalition and community to be sure to integrate ideas and experiences from a broad perspective and all of these groups are primed to take active steps to move the needle in this area.  I will continue to infuse these ideas with the NCI, additional Moonshot Initiatives and most importantly, ensure these efforts truly engage and help patients who are in need in Colorado and with Fight CRC.

Reposted with permission from the University of Colorado Cancer Center blog.

Details announced for CHW/PN/PdS Alliance meeting on July 8 Tue, 14 Jun 2016 20:43:58 +0000 confYou are invited to the Community Health Worker, Patient Navigator, Promotor de Salud Alliance meeting to be held July 8 from 1-4 p.m. The tentative agenda is below. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Alliance work to-date and our plan to advance our collective efforts in Colorado, for CHW, PN and PdS efforts. We are seeking attendance and input statewide. We hope you can attend. Please feel free to distribute this invite within your networks.

You can join the meeting remotely or in-person on July 8, 1-4 p.m.

COPIC Offices
7351 E. Lowry Blvd
Denver, CO 80230

Please RSVP here for this meeting. The final agenda and further details (including remote connections info) about the meeting will be coming in the next couple of weeks.

Patient Navigator, Community Health Worker and Promotor de Salud Alliance

Summer Meeting, July 8, 2016 1:00-4:00 pm

COPIC-7351 E. Lowry Blvd., Ste. 400

Denver, CO 80230

(Remote Connection Information Forthcoming)

I. Welcome and Introductions

II. Goals of Meeting

a. Update members on the progress and changes to the Alliance

b. Share policy changes and efforts occurring nationally and in Colorado

c. Elicit feedback from the PN, CHW and PdS community in shaping the vision and the direction of the Alliance

d. Discuss the future of the Alliance activities

III. Progress and Changes to the Patient Navigator, Community Health Worker and Promotor de Salud Alliance

a. Share brief history of Alliance

b. Update on changes to the Alliance leadership, structure, and name

c. Infrastructure-CH
W PN PdS Portal and Website-Powered by 2-1-1

IV. Patient Navigator, Community Health Worker and Promotor de Salud Alliance State and National Landscape

a. Overview of national and state efforts affecting Patient Navigator, Community Health Worker and Promotor de Salud Alliance

b. Colorado Opportunities: Panel Presentation

* Training Opportunities

* Workforce Development Initiatives

* Statewide Initiatives

c. Audience Involvement

V. Network Break and Partner Updates

VI. Shaping the Vision and the Direction of the Alliance

a. Brief overview of Alliance Mission and Operating Guidelines:

b. Small group/table discussions of the Mission and Operating Guidelines:

i. Based on the state and national landscape, which aspects of plan align with these efforts?

ii. What areas need to be changed/adapted?

iii. What are your ideas for areas of focus not included in the mission and operating guidelines?

c. Small group report-outs of top 2-3 reflections/feedback on mission and operating guidelines

VII.Next steps for Alliance

d. Quarterly meetings

e. Fall convening

CDC announces new resource for public health communicators Tue, 15 Dec 2015 20:22:43 +0000 cdc-logoIn the United States, 9 in 10 adults may have problems understanding and using common health information. By using CDC’s new resource, Everyday Words for Public Health Communication, you can ensure that your organization’s communications are clearer and easier to understand.

Everyday Words provides:

  • Substitute terms
  • Real-life examples of complex public health language
  • Revised wording
  • Tips to reinforce meaning and avoid other common pitfalls

Everyday Words is a result of years of CDC communication experience, formative research, and testing with diverse audiences.

Visit CDC’s health literacy website for more information about Everyday Words, training, and other health literacy resources you can use.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Non licensed navigators needed to pilot-test patient scenarios Wed, 09 Dec 2015 19:16:24 +0000 045Experienced, non-licensed (non nurse/social worker) patient navigators are needed to help pilot-test the state’s future PN skills exam on Jan. 23, 2016, at the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. This pilot test requires PNs to work with professional patient actors using real-life patient scenarios.

PN volunteers will be asked to meet with up to 15 patient actors during a 3.5-hour session. Participants will receive a Certificate of Appreciation documenting participation in the event. Free parking and lunch will be provided, as well as a $25 gift card.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is working to establish voluntary credentialing for lay patient navigator educational/training programs and create a state-managed registry of PNs who have successfully completed the training program and/or skills test in Colorado.

CDPHE has partnered with the Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE) on the Anschutz Campus to test these patient scenarios using the same process that CAPE uses to evaluate physicians and other licensed providers’ ability to work with and communicate with patients.

Although the PNs at this pilot test will not be personally evaluated, don’t miss this opportunity to provide feedback and obtain experience related to the future testing procedures!

Personal auto expenses for mileage will be reimbursed as per state policy. For those who attend from outside of the Front Range metro area, travel and lodging may be provided (must be estimated and approved prior to participation). CDPHE has budgeted for unintended travel costs in case inclement weather impedes travel.

You are eligible to participate if you are an experienced non-licensed PN (other job titles may be used at your work place) performing such duties as:

  • Linking patients with services
  • Providing information and resources
  • Helping providers interact with patients
  • Offering health education and promoting behavior changes.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Pat Uris at 303.692.2577 or Response is required by Dec. 18, 2015.
