Upcoming Events | Patient Navigator Training Collaborative https://patientnavigatortraining.org Navigate to new knowledge and skills. Thu, 06 Mar 2025 00:06:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 81030388 Arabic Health Navigation course scheduled for April 10 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/arabic-health-navigation-course-scheduled-for-april-10/ https://patientnavigatortraining.org/arabic-health-navigation-course-scheduled-for-april-10/#respond Fri, 28 Feb 2025 21:10:53 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=14422 Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals is designed to improve basic patient navigation skills. This course covers patient navigator role and history, effective communication, basic health promotion and health literacy. This course will be culturally adapted and delivered in Arabic. Participants receive a workbook and certificate of completion.
Location: Lowry Conference Center, 1061 Akron Way, Denver, CO, 80230
Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
Time: 9 am-4 pm
Lunch will be provided.
https://patientnavigatortraining.org/arabic-health-navigation-course-scheduled-for-april-10/feed/ 0 14422
Telehealth Services in Rural Public Libraries: Webinar March 13 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/telehealth-services-in-rural-public-libraries-webinar-march-13/ Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:37:13 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=14352 Join the Colorado Health Literacy Coalition for a webinar March 13.

Telehealth Services in Rural Public Libraries. Welcome to the Wacky World of Libraries
When: 11:30-12:30 pm MT March 13
Register Here

A lack of access to healthcare professionals is a key contributing factor to poor health outcomes in the United States. Telehealth services can potentially improve those outcomes by removing geographic barriers and providing timely care with healthcare providers and specialists. However, gaps in accessing telehealth exist in rural areas: citizens may lack internet access, a private space, or the digital literacy skills necessary to benefit from telehealth.

Public libraries increasingly recognize the importance of facilitating access to telehealth services in their communities. These services can vary widely based on the resources and needs of the library and the community. This webinar will highlight a project in Colorado to fund the development of telehealth services in rural library sites across the state. You will learn more about the project, how participating sites are developing their telehealth services, and resources for networking and training. The project is a partnership between the Colorado State Library and the Colorado Office of eHealth Innovation.

About our speaker: Kieran Hixon, BA
Rural and Small Library Senior Consultant, Colorado State Library

Kieran Hixon is nationally regarded as a rural library expert with broad and varied experience working in small & rural public libraries. Kieran currently serves as the Colorado State Library’s Rural and Small Library Senior Consultant. Based in Wetmore, Colorado, Kieran is former President and long-standing Board Member of the Association for Rural & Small Libraries (ARSL) and is a member of the Collaborative Institute for Rural Communities & Librarianship think tank. He is also the co-creator of the Outstanding in Their Field Leadership Institute. Kieran is an engaging public speaker with a passion for helping individuals strengthen what they do to meet the needs of their communities. Besides a long career in public libraries, Kieran built his own house, walked across the country, worked with the elderly and dying, and learned blacksmithing.

Learn more about the Family Affordability Tax Credit: Webinar Dec. 6 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/learn-more-about-the-family-affordability-tax-credit-webinar-dec-6/ Fri, 08 Nov 2024 19:49:24 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13720 Webinar: Family Affordability Tax Credit – What Community Health Workers Need to Know
Dec. 6, 12-1 pm MT

When families have the resources they need, parents and children thrive. Colorado’s new Family Affordability Tax Credit will deliver up to $3,200 per child to eligible low-income families in 2025. Community Health Workers and Patient Navigations can support family financial well-being and improved health outcomes by helping more families know about tax credits and where to find free and secure tax help. Join this session to learn how to quickly and simply refer families to tax information, as well as common concerns families have about engaging with the tax system.

Spanish interpretation provided.

After attending the session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the impact of tax credits and Colorado’s Family Affordability Tax Credit on financial well-being and mental and physical health.
  • Refer families to tax credits and free and secure tax filing information simply and quickly.
  • Anticipate common concerns families may have in engaging with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Seminario web: Crédito fiscal para la asequibilidad familiar: lo que los trabajadores de salud comunitarios deben saber

Cuando las familias tienen los recursos que necesitan, los padres y los niños prosperan. El nuevo crédito fiscal para la asequibilidad familiar de Colorado entregará hasta $3200 por niño a familias de bajos ingresos elegibles en el año 2025. Los trabajadores de salud comunitarios y los servicios de Navegadores de pacientes pueden respaldar el bienestar financiero familiar y mejorar los resultados de salud al ayudar a más familias a conocer los créditos fiscales y dónde encontrar ayuda fiscal gratuita y segura. Únase a esta sesión para aprender cómo derivar de manera rápida y sencilla a las familias para adquirir mas información fiscal, así como las inquietudes comunes que tienen las familias sobre la interacción con el sistema de impuestos.

Se proporciona interpretación al español.

Después de asistir a la sesión, los participantes podrán:

  • Describir el impacto de los créditos fiscales y el Crédito fiscal para la asequibilidad familiar de Colorado en el bienestar financiero y la salud mental y física.
  • Poder referir a las familias a los créditos fiscales y a la información de presentación de impuestos gratuita y segura de manera simple y rápida.
  • Anticipar las inquietudes comunes que pueden tener las familias al interactuar con el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS).
Fall webinar series on navigation/CHW reimbursement strategies https://patientnavigatortraining.org/fall-webinar-series-on-navigation-chw-reimbursement-strategies/ Thu, 26 Sep 2024 21:00:12 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13670 The Alliance Fall 2024 Webinar Series –

Implementation of reimbursement mechanisms and sustainability support for the CHW/PN workforce in Colorado: Latest Perspectives and Technical Assistance

The Colorado Alliance for Community Health Workers (CHWs), Patient Navigators (PNs), and Promotores de Salud (PdS) is hosting a 4 part series during Fall 2024 dedicated to discussing the payment and sustainability strategies of community health work and patient navigation in Colorado. The Alliance and several partners have advocated for fair and equitable wages and workforce support for CHWs/PNs/PdS within the community and clinical settings, now questions remain regarding how to implement these available payment mechanisms to the fullest extent and also advocate for continued support?

This series will provide the latest information, guidance, and technical assistance for implementation in Colorado. Each session will feature perspective on the CHW/PN reimbursement mechanisms and workforce support from a key opinion leader, followed by time for discussion and providing input and feedback to help plan for future technical assistance sessions!

Session 1
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Principal Illness Navigation Codes and Community Health Integration Codes – How Do The New Codes Work? What to Know…What Are Your Questions?
September 30, 1-2:15 pm MT
Presenter: Katie Garfield, JD, Clinical Instructor; Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, Harvard Law School


Session 2
Colorado SB 23-002: Medicaid Reimbursement for Community Health Workers- What to know to prepare for reimbursement implementation in 2025
October 9, 11:30 am-12:45 pm MT
Presenter: Alaina Kelley, MPH, Community Health Worker and Prevention Services Policy & Benefit Specialist; Policy Office, Colorado Department of Healthcare Policy and Financing


Session 3
Community Health Worker and Patient Navigator Workforce and Training Development Opportunities: Impact and resources of the HRSA CHW training program and linkages between training and CHW reimbursement
October 23rd | 12-1 PM MT
Hosted by Trailhead Institute, Patient Navigator and Community Health Worker Training Program, and The Alliance


Session 4
Performance-Based and Quality-Based Payment Approaches to Support Sustainability of Patient Navigation and Community Health Work in Colorado: Examples in the field and your experience
November 6, 1-2:15 Pm MT
Presenters: Mary Kay Knode, Specialty Clinic Director; Melissa Memorial Hospital
Linda Overholser, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Internal Medicine; University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

CHW Community of Practice: Next Meeting May 23 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/chw-community-of-practice-next-meeting-may-23/ Tue, 14 May 2024 23:07:35 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13620 CHW Community of Practice

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment would like to introduce a Community of Practice for Community Health Workers in Colorado. If you are a CHW, Health Navigator, Patient Navigator, Promotora de salud or similar role, you are invited to join a network of CHWs from all over the state, to share best practices and identify training opportunities that fit your needs. The Community of Practice will meet on a quarterly basis.
Next Meeting May 23, 12-1 pm
Register for CHW Community of Practice


Motivational Interviewing Learning Labs: Coming in May and June https://patientnavigatortraining.org/motivational-interviewing-learning-labs-coming-in-may-and-june/ Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:44:38 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13601 Join us in May and June for a series of virtual Learning Labs focused on growing your Motivational Interviewing Skills! You may attend the whole series or choose one or two sessions. Each workshop will be interactive and feature both large and small-group activities.

May 8, 10-11:30 am: Complex Reflections
Reflections are a core Motivational Interviewing (MI) skill. Simple reflections are repeating back what the person said, while complex reflections take things a bit deeper. These reflections build on what you sense are the client’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Learn more about complex reflections with time for discussion and guided practice.
Prerequisite: Basic MI course/familiar with Basic MI skills (open ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, summaries)
(Course complete)

May 22, 10-11:30 am: Rolling with Resistance and Discord
Resistance is likely to arise when a client is pushed too hard or too fast to change. Motivational Interviewing describes two types of resistance talk: sustain talk and discord. Learn more about how to put MI skills to use during challenging conversations.
Prerequisite: Basic MI course/familiar with Basic MI skills (open ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, summaries)

June 14, 10-11:30 am: Exploring Values
Values are our principles—like being there for family, or wanting to be healthy. You can help your clients think about the values that guide their lives. If this exploration is done in a respectful and genuine way, it can lead to the motivation the client needs to move forward in creating change. But how do you do this? In this workshop, you will examine your own values as well as learn techniques for using values in your discussions with clients.
Basic Motivational Interviewing knowledge helpful but not required.
Spanish interpretation provided for the June 14 session.

These trainings are presented by the Patient Navigation and CHW Training Program in partnership with Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Program (CPED) at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

PNCT MI instructor launches new book: “Stress to Strength: A Therapist’s Guide to Empower Clients” https://patientnavigatortraining.org/pnct-mi-instructor-launches-new-book-stress-to-strength-a-therapists-guide-to-empower-clients/ Mon, 25 Mar 2024 21:37:51 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13578 Book cover of a bridge going over a creek.Knowing what to offer clients can be hard when their stress level is through the roof. In her new book, “Stress to Strength: A Therapist’s Guide to Empower Clients,” seasoned therapist Denise Barnes offers an evidence-based approach that gives struggling clients fast relief and fresh perspectives. Meanwhile, it nurtures therapists’ well-being as they pilot the delicate balance of serving struggling clients while averting burnout.
Barnes is a licensed psychotherapist and intuitive life coach who has been a motivational interviewing instructor for the Patient Navigation and Community Health Worker Training program (PNCT) for many years. The book is great for therapists, and relevant for coaches, nurses, community health workers, and other helping professionals who support people making changes. This simple and intuitive model can be used by lay people, especially if they have been to therapy before or are interested in practices that increase wellness and happiness.

The book is available for purchase on Amazon here. In addition, Barnes will be offering a book talk in Boulder on April 2.

Stress to Strength: A Therapist’s Guide to Empower Clients Book Talk by Denise Barnes
7-8:30 pm April 2, 2024
Remington Post Clubhouse, 3350 Chisholm Trail, Boulder CO 80301
Stress to Strength: A Therapist’s Guide to Empower Clients
RSVP and more information here.
Spring Health Navigator Assessment Dates Announced https://patientnavigatortraining.org/spring-health-navigator-assessment-dates-announced/ Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:53:28 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13571 woman flipping book pageThe Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) will offer spring sessions of the Health Navigation competency assessment through The Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE) at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. The sessions will be offered virtually and in-person on the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora.


Spring 2024 Dates

  • May 17 (in-person)
  • May 18 (virtually)
  • June 4 (in-person)
  • June 6 (virtually)
  • June 11 (in-person)
  • June 14 (virtually)

To register for the assessment, individuals must have completed verified coursework from a state-recognized training program (Otero College, Patient Navigation and Community Health Worker Training program, Metro State University at Denver or the CU Multidisciplinary Center on Aging). Please complete the Colorado Health Navigator Registry Application to verify training prior to registration for the assessment. After completed training is verified, you will receive a link to register for the assessment. Registration must be completed 30 days prior to the date of the assessment.

As a reminder, the required coursework to qualify for the assessment under under PNCT is:

  • Level 1 Health Navigation Fundamentals
  • Basic Motivational Interviewing (if Level 1 taken online)
  • Level 2 Care Coordination

PNCT will schedule a free review session prior to these spring assessments – details to come.

Understand New Medicare Billing Codes for CHWs: Webinar Feb 20 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/understand-new-medicare-billing-codes-for-chws-webinar-feb-20/ Sat, 10 Feb 2024 00:11:58 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13529 Funding Community Health Workers and Patient Navigators in Cancer Care: Understanding New Medicare Billing Codes

This webinar will help explain the CY2024 CMS physician fee schedule (aka “CMS rule”) as it pertains to Principal Illness Navigation, Community Health Integration, and Social Determinants of Health Risk Assessment codes. We will discuss what we know, what we don’t know, and how to comment on real-world implementation of these new codes. We will also discuss training and resources to position cancer patient navigators for success and provide examples from two states and their CHW trainings and certification processes.

Date & Time:
The webinar will take place 1-2 pm MT/3 – 4 pm ET on Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024.

Register ]]>
Coming soon: Community of Practice for CHWs https://patientnavigatortraining.org/coming-soon-community-of-practice-for-chws/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:04:13 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13502
five people in a conference room

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) would like to introduce a Community of Practice for Community Health Workers. If you are a CHW, Health Navigator, Patient Navigator, Promotora de salud or similar role you are invited to join a network of CHWs from all over Colorado, to share best practices and identify training opportunities that fits your needs. The Community of Practice will be designed for Community Health Workers from all over Colorado who are working in health or community-based settings to learn from one another, share resources and best practices and provide you the opportunity to explore new training opportunities in your roles.

In addition, CDPHE is providing the opportunity to learn more about diabetes and cardiovascular prevention and management and how you can incorporate programs such as National DPP and DSMES into your communities.

The Community of Practice will convene on a quarterly basis. The first CHW Community of Practice meeting will take place on Thursday February 29, 2024 at 12 PM. Please register at Colorado CHW Community of Practice. If you have any questions, please contact yvette.camarena@state.co.us.

Uncover Level 1 Health Navigation Fundamentals in this Winter 2024 Online Course https://patientnavigatortraining.org/uncover-level-1-health-navigation-fundamentals-in-this-winter-2024-online-course/ Tue, 12 Dec 2023 22:29:58 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13460 green leaf plant near white wall

Explore a diverse range of subjects in this extensive ‘Level 1’ training, covering the history and role of patient navigation, effective patient communication, health promotion, and professional conduct. Seize the chance to connect with fellow navigation professionals and broaden your network!

When 🗓️ 1/17/2024 – 3/13/2024
Join us for Live Learning Sessions 🕙 6 pm- 7 pm MT:

📆 January 17th – LLS 1 (Course Orientation)
📆 January 24th – LLS 2
📆 January 31st – LLS 3
📆 February 7th – LLS 4
📆 February 14th – No Class
📆 February 21st – LLS 5
📆 February 28th – LLS 6
📆 March 6th – LLS 7
📆 March 13th – LLS 8

Click Here to Register and Find out More

Unlock the Basics of Motivational Interviewing with Our Online Course for 2024 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/unlock-the-basics-of-motivational-interviewing-with-our-online-course-for-2024/ Fri, 08 Dec 2023 18:33:16 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13435 black smartphone near person

Discover Motivational Interviewing (MI): A patient-centered approach for fostering behavior change. Join our interactive online course to learn essential MI techniques—open-ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, and summarizing. No prior MI experience needed!

When 🗓️ 1/16/2024 – 2/6/2024
Join us for Live Learning Sessions 🕙 10 am-11 am MT:

📅 January 16: LLS 1
📅 January 23: LLS 2
📅 January 30: LLS 3
📅 February 6: LLS 4

Click Here to Register and Find out More

Upcoming Course Registration: Motivational Interviewing Skills for Vaccine Hesitancy https://patientnavigatortraining.org/upcoming-course-registration-motivational-interviewing-skills-for-vaccine-hesitancy/ Thu, 09 Nov 2023 19:07:56 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13390 The Patient Navigation and Community Health Worker Training Program (PNCT) is excited to announce the offering of 1-day workshops on Motivational Interviewing Skills for Vaccine Hesitancy. Community health workers and navigators are trusted messengers who can deliver accurate vaccine information about COVID-19 and other immunizations. This course builds on Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills for having respectful, empathetic discussions around vaccination.

These trainings will be offered at no cost thanks to funding from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment – Health Equity Branch. These workshops will be offered through summer of 2024, with the first one happening Dec. 5 in Denver. Locations outside the metro area will be announced as they are scheduled.

Motivational Interviewing Skills for Vaccine Hesitancy
Dec 5, 2023, 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Location: Daniels Fund, 101 Monroe Street, Denver, CO 80206

Click Here to Register and Find Out More

No prior MI knowledge is necessary. The training includes a free skills assessment and an opportunity to sign up for a one-on-one coaching session, delivered by an MI expert trainer.

Alliance Webinar: HCPF and Medicaid CHW Reimbursement Discussion https://patientnavigatortraining.org/alliance-webinar-hcpf-and-medicaid-chw-reimbursement-discussion/ Thu, 14 Sep 2023 18:52:51 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13356 CO Alliance for CHWs, PNs, PdS Webinar: HCPF and Medicaid CHW reimbursement discussion

Senate Bill 23-002 compels the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), the state agency that administers Colorado’s Medicaid program, to reimburse for Community Health Worker services starting July 2025. This webinar will provide updates on the timeline, an opportunity to ask questions, and ways to get involved moving forward.


Sep 20, 2023 12:00 PM

Register TODAY: 9th Annual CHLC Conference on October 20th, 2023 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/register-today-9th-annual-chlc-conference-on-october-20th-2023/ Thu, 14 Sep 2023 18:48:41 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13354 Join us for the 9th Annual Colorado Health Literacy Conference: “Building Trust and Promoting Clear Communication to Improve Population Based Health Literacy”.

With presentations from:

Dean Schillinger, MD, is a primary care physician, scientist, author, and public health advocate. Dr. Schillinger is an internationally recognized expert in health communication and has been widely recognized for his work related to improving the health of vulnerable populations.

New this year: optional writing workshop

Choose from our traditional breakout session track, or a new hands-on writing workshop to apply health literacy and plain language best practices to write content appropriate for your audience.

Date: Friday, October 20th, 2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


$50 registration fee includes all conference sessions, breakfast, lunch and snacks.

$25 registration fee for students and health navigators. This also includes all conference sessions, breakfast, lunch and snacks.


Embassy Suites Denver Central Park

4444 Havana St. Denver, CO 80239

Upcoming Summer/Fall Courses https://patientnavigatortraining.org/upcoming-course-motivational-interviewing-intermediate-skills-summer-2023/ Mon, 10 Jul 2023 21:16:30 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13300  

Level 2: Care Coordination (Summer 2023)
7/28/23 – 8/25/2023
Live Learning Sessions Fridays, 11:30 am-1 pm MT
Click Here to Register and Read More

This course focuses on the role of the health navigator in team-based care coordination. In this course, we will explore care coordination and related concepts, including their application to practice and commonly encountered challenges. You will be guided step-by-step to learn the basic skills and advanced strategies to enhance team-based care and client engagement for better health outcomes, patient safety, and workflow efficiency.


Motivational Interviewing: Intermediate Skills (Summer 2023)

8/2/2023 – 8/30/2023
Live Learning Sessions: 9 am – 10 am MT on Wednesdays

Click Here to Register & Read More

This course builds on the fundamental motivational interviewing concepts learned in Basic Motivational Interviewing. In this course, you will expand your skills related to using OARS (open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries). You will build confidence working with resistant clients and learn how to best integrate MI skills into your work setting.

This virtual course includes both online coursework (reading, videos, assignments) as well as weekly Live Learning Sessions via Zoom web conferencing. The live sessions will be highly interactive and include both large and small group practice.

Prerequisite: Basic Motivational Interviewing course and familiarity with OARS (open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries)

Learning Objective

  • Increase ease with using MI Core Skills – 4 Processes, MI Spirit, OARS
  • Improve confidence noticing, evoking, and responding to Change Talk
  • Increase skills working with resistance and resolving ambivalence
  • Be able to share info and ideas using MI (Ask Permission: Elicit—Provide—Elicit)
  • Apply MI techniques to your specific work setting

Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals Online Fall 2023

9/8/2023 – 10/27/2023
Live Learning Sessions: Fridays from 11am-Noon MT

Click Here to Register & Read More

Topics in this comprehensive “Level 1” training include patient navigation history and role, patient communication, health promotion, and professional conduct. Don‘t miss this opportunity to network with other navigation professionals!

This 8-week virtual course includes both online coursework (reading, quizzes, assignments) as well as Live Learning Sessions via Zoom web conferencing. Participants are expected to complete assignments each week prior to attending the live learning session. These interactive sessions allow participants to connect with fellow navigators and our expert instructors to apply the concepts to their daily work.

Health Equity Learning Series coming spring 2023 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/health-equity-learning-series-coming-spring-2023/ Mon, 27 Mar 2023 20:02:52 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=13060 Please join us for a free learning series that explores topics related to health equity and inclusion. Spanish interpretation will be provided at all sessions.

Understanding Microaggressions: Why They Are Not Micro At All
April 24, 1-3 pm
What are “microaggressions” and how do they impact health equity? Microaggressions, or subtle acts of exclusion, are rooted in implicit bias and are more than just insults or insensitive comments. These everyday slights have a harmful cumulative effect. But you can make a difference! In this 2-hour workshop, you will learn how to examine your own perceptions, as well as what to do if you commit, experience or witness a microaggression. This training will feature small group discussion using breakout rooms.
Recording Coming Soon

Digital Readiness and Building Digital Health Literacy
May 2, 12-1 pm
In this 1-hour interactive webinar, the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Foundation will provide an overview of digital health literacy and digital readiness in combating health inequities. Participants will learn how to go beyond basic definitions and examine new tools to evaluate digital readiness at the individual patient level for improved health outcomes. Those interested in the evolving role and impact of digital health navigation in healthcare settings are encouraged to attend.

Addressing Structural Racism and Promoting Health Equity
June 2, 10 am-noon
In this 2-hour workshop, you will learn more about inclusion and why representation matters. You will leave with tools to address the impact of structural racism. Topics include the components and impact of structural racism, implicit bias and its impact on health outcomes, and intersectionality.
June 2, 10 am-noon

Disability and Ableism 101
June 14, 12-1 pm
Over 20% of the U.S. population identifies has having one or more disabilities or impairments according to the 2010 U.S. Census, yet people with disabilities and those who identify as disabled are often left out of conversations around diversity and inclusion. This workshop will cover some of the history of language used by and about this community, what ableism is (as well as able-bodied/neurotpyical privilege), ways to dismantle these types of oppression so ingrained in various systems, and ways that to create more inclusive programs, conferences, classrooms, offices, and health care to ensure that all members of this community are able to engage.

You’re invited: Cancer Coalition Quarterly Meeting, Jan 24 in Burlington, CO https://patientnavigatortraining.org/youre-invited-cancer-coalition-quarterly-meeting-jan-24-in-burlington-co/ Thu, 19 Jan 2023 23:09:45 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=12575 Join The Alliance and the Patient Navigation and Community Health Work Training Program at the Colorado Cancer Coalition Quarterly Meeting to hear about exciting training and workforce development opportunities for PN and CHW work across the state.

Colorado Cancer Coalition Winter Cancer Partner Meeting
January 24, 11am-1pm MT
Burlington, CO (In-Person Registration)
Zoom (Remote Registration)

Agenda Topics:

  • Colorado Cancer Coalition Updates
  • Cancer Legislations on the 2023 Agenda
  • Community Health Worker and Patient Navigation Landscape and Opportunities in Colorado – Andrea (Andi) Dwyer, The Alliance and Dr. Patricia (Patti) Valverde, PNCT
  • Task Force, Regional Cancer Network, and Partner Updates

Transportation from Denver to join in person in Burlington:

The Coalition has spots for 22 people for transportation from the Metro Denver area. The bus will leave at 7:30 am and arrive back in Denver at 7:00 pm. We will be setting up additional meetings in the afternoon with partners from the Eastern Regional Cancer Network and other partners from the region. You can also find space to work and network throughout the day with other attendees. We will have some fun networking on the bus on the way back to Denver when the day is done. If you have questions about the transportation option, please email christi@coloradocancercoalition.org. Fill in the in person registration form if you would like to utilize the free transportation option.


Happy Holidays! Our offices will be closed Dec. 24-Jan. 2 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/happy-holidays-our-offices-will-be-closed-dec-24-jan-2/ Mon, 19 Dec 2022 22:29:43 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=12416 The Patient Navigation and Community Health Worker (PNCT) offices will be closed from Dec. 24-Jan. 2. We will reopen on Jan. 3, 2023.

Wishing you a bright and merry holiday season!

2023 Courses

Courses announced for winter 2023 include Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals Online and Care Coordination Online.

Health Navigator Assessment Dates Scheduled https://patientnavigatortraining.org/health-navigator-assessment-dates-scheduled/ Tue, 08 Nov 2022 19:07:54 +0000 https://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=12194 The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) will be offering winter and spring sessions of the Health Navigation competency assessment through The Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE) at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora.

To register for the assessment, individuals must have completed verified coursework from a state-recognized training program (Otero College, Patient Navigator and Community Health Worker Training, Metro State University at Denver, CU Multidisciplinary Center on Aging). Please complete the Colorado Health Navigator Registry Application to verify training prior to registration for the assessment. After completed training is verified, you will receive a link to register for the assessment.

CDPHE is providing scholarships to individuals who are employed with an organization and are working on initiatives for specific chronic diseases. Scholarships will be in the form of reimbursement to a candidate’s employer after the employer pays for the cost of the assessment.  For more information and to apply for the scholarship please complete the form. Please note that the form must be completed by the employer, not the candidate and the candidate must be registered for the assessment no fewer than 20 days prior to the assessment.

Assessment Schedule
Jan 12, 2023 (virtually)
Jan. 18, 2023 (in person, Anschutz Medical Campus)
May 6, 2023 (virtually)
May 19 (in person, Anschutz Medical Campus)

Required Coursework Through Patient Navigator and Community Health Worker Training

  • 3 self-paced courses (Intro to Chronic Disease, Intro to Healthcare System, Preventive Healthcare 101)
  • Level 1 Health Navigation Fundamentals (online or in person)
  • Basic Motivational Interviewing (if Level 1 taken online)
  • Level 2 Care Coordination Online

Upcoming Review Session

Learn what to expect during the assessment and practice your skills during our FREE review session.

Email Erin Martinez at erin.martinez@cuanschutz.edu if you have questions.
