PNTC Workshop Announcement | Patient Navigator Training Collaborative Navigate to new knowledge and skills. Wed, 03 Aug 2022 16:52:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 81030388 Fall Course Schedule Announced Wed, 03 Aug 2022 16:47:10 +0000

We hope you can join us for one of our fall course offerings!

In-Person Trainings:

Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals:A great opportunity to improve your patient navigation skills and network with other navigators!

Two Courses Available:

Online Courses

PNTC offices closed Dec. 22-Jan. 2 Wed, 22 Dec 2021 16:44:14 +0000 Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season! Our offices will be closed Dec. 22 through Jan. 2. We will respond to emails and messages in a timely manner the first week of January.

Cheers to 2022!

COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium & Resources Mon, 02 Aug 2021 21:34:44 +0000 The federal ban on housing evictions expired Saturday July 31, 2021. This prohibition against evictions was established by the Centers for Disease Control to help contain the spread of COVID-19. Recent court cases have made clear that only Congress can extend the deadline by passing new legislation.

Below is a partial list of resources that may be able to help people facing eviction due to COVID-19.

Cancer navigators: Focus group opportunity Mon, 09 Nov 2020 17:15:54 +0000 Special invitation to navigators and community health workers providing navigation to lung, colorectal and breast cancer patients, survivors and caregivers! 

We need to hear from you about how to improve communication between patients and their support networks, how to better link to the care team and resources, and what role technology plays in these efforts.

Please share your experience by participating in an one hour interview or focus group in the fall of 2020. To join in the discussion, please take a moment to fill out the survey to share your contact information and availability.

As a thank you for participating in the interview/focus group, you will receive a Amazon $25 gift card for your time.

Information from these interviews and focus groups will be used to improve technology to better serve patients and caregivers after a cancer diagnosis.

Project Funding: SBIR NCI Funded, Lead Agency – University of San Diego – Colorado Collaboration

Webinar Series: Mental and Behavioral Health in Colorado Sun, 05 Apr 2020 20:50:26 +0000

The Reducing Barriers to Care webinar series started last fall will continue in May and June, with a focus on mental and behavioral health. Mark your calendar for every Wednesday at 1-2:30 PM MT starting May 6. Brought to you by the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative and The Alliance of Colorado Community Health Workers, Patient Navigators and Promotores de Salud.


Mental and Behavioral Health in Colorado: The current landscape and navigating into care

May 6: Framing the Landscape of Mental and Behavioral Health in Colorado

May 13: Landscape and Legislation in Community Behavioral Health

May 20: Assessing Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategies

May 27: Integrating Mental and Behavioral Health into Chronic Disease Navigation Programs

June 3: Navigators at the core of mental and behavioral health programs in urban, suburban and rural Colorado

Self care event: Relaxation and Introspection Techniques Thu, 21 Nov 2019 18:11:55 +0000 Relaxation and Introspection Techniques
This workshop offers strategies and tools for your survival kit that you can put into practice so they don’t require much thought or effort when they are really needed. You can also share these techniques with your clients to help them develop more resilience to the stress and trauma in their lives. Presented by the Human Services Network of Colorado.
When: Dec. 12, 9 am-noon
Where: 6100 Smith Road, Denver, CO 80216
Cost: $95

Registration now open for fall courses Fri, 19 Jul 2019 21:16:10 +0000

The Patient Navigator Training Collaborative is excited to announce its lineup of fall courses. We have Level 1, Level 2, in person and online courses, so there is something for everyone, whether you are a new or experienced navigator.

We recommend starting with Level 1, to learn the basics. Level 1 and Care Coordination are required to take the state of Colorado Health Navigator Assessment and be listed on the registry. If you are not a Colorado resident, we still recommend these two courses as the foundation of your learning. And, both are available online!

We are thrilled to offer the Level 2 online course Emotional and Social Aspects of Disease this fall, which is a great course if you are looking to expand your knowledge on the complex emotional issues related to chronic disease.

Registration is now open for the following fall courses:

And spots are still open in these August courses!

We hope to see you in a course soon! Financial aid is available for all courses, so don’t let cost be a barrier to signing up. Apply here for a scholarship.

Just announced: Upcoming Level 1 courses Tue, 25 Jun 2019 21:20:27 +0000 We have just scheduled two upcoming  Level 1 courses – one in Colorado Springs and one in Aurora!

Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals is a three-day in-person course with online prework designed to improve your navigation skills. Topics in this comprehensive “Level 1” training include patient communication, health promotion, professional conduct and motivational interviewing.

Perfect for: Patient navigators, health navigators, care coordinators, community health workers or anyone working with clients to overcome barriers to care.

Don‘t miss this opportunity to network with other navigators!

Cost: $500 Colorado navigators, $750 out of state

Level 1 Colorado Springs, CO: Aug. 6-8

Level 1 Aurora, CO: Sept. 18-20

Fall course preview

Registration is opening soon for these fall courses!

  • Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals Online
  • Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals in Spanish
  • Emotional and Social Aspects of Disease Online (Level 2)
  • Basic Motivational Interviewing
  • Care Coordination Online
  • Care Coordination ECHO series
Spring forward with upcoming courses Tue, 12 Mar 2019 18:33:51 +0000 Bring on spring!
Join us for an upcoming course.

Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals
Topics in this comprehensive “Level 1” training include patient navigation history and role, patient communication, health promotion and professional conduct.
When: April 16-18
Where: Aurora, CO
Cost: $500 Colorado residents/$750 out of state

Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals Online 
This 8-week virtual course includes both online coursework (reading, quizzes, assignments) as well as Live Learning Sessions via Zoom web conferencing.
When: April 1-May 24
Cost: $550

Save the Date! Advanced Motivational Interviewing
In this course, you will expand your MI skills related to the strategic use of questions and reflections to build upon and deepen client change talk.
When: June 13
Where: Denver metro area
Registration Opening Soon! 

Build your Care Coordination skills – exciting study opportunity Thu, 31 Jan 2019 21:48:26 +0000

The Patient Navigator Training Collaborative (PNTC) and ECHO Colorado are partnering on a study to evaluate how our trainings improve team-based care coordination skills.  This project is designed to learn more about the effectiveness of these trainings in increasing self-efficacy, knowledge, attitudes, and skills related to team-based care coordination among participants.

How do I participate?
Register for PNTC’s Care Coordination Online Course or the Care Coordination ECHO Learning Series. (It is strongly recommended to participate in the course before the learning series.) You will have the opportunity to join the study during registration. These courses will be offered quarterly through 2019. You must be a Colorado resident to participate.

How much time will it take?
In addition to attending each session of the course or learning series, you will be asked to complete a 10-15 minute pre/post survey and a 30-minute pre/post assessment with a “team member” actor, via Zoom web conferencing. It will take about 1.5 hours total. You will receive a link for the survey before and after the learning opportunity and the pre/post assessments will be scheduled at a time that works for you.

Why should I participate?
You will earn online Visa gift cards for your time for each portion of the study you complete, up to $80 for full participation. You will also receive the results of your assessment at the end of the study. The assessment results will identify areas of strengths and improvement that you can use to improve your skills.

Questions? Email Erin Martinez at

Upcoming Care Coordination Trainings

Care Coordination Online Course
When: March 1-29
Cost: $250 Colorado residents/$350 out of state

Team-Based Care Coordination ECHO series
When: Tuesdays 8-9 am MT, March 5-April 9
Cost: Free

“State of Patient Navigation Today” webinar recording now available Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:26:27 +0000

Webinar highlights national navigation efforts

“A Report from the National Navigation Roundtable: the State of Patient Navigation Today,” is now available for viewing. This webinar was recorded in December and presented by Monica Dean, Director, National Navigation Roundtable, with Elizabeth A Calhoun, PhD, MEd, Executive Director of the Center of Population Science and Discovery and a Professor in the Department of Community, Environment and Policy at the University of Arizona and Sanja Percac-Lima, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a primary care physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Chelsea Community Health Center.

The National Navigation Roundtable is a collaboration of navigation stakeholders and field experts, dedicated to establishing patient navigation as a recognized and valued part of the healthcare system to assure optimal health outcomes for cancer patients.

Webinar presented as part of the Alliance to Advance Patient-Centered Cancer Care webinar series.

2019 Courses Announced Mon, 17 Dec 2018 20:10:32 +0000 It’s almost a new year and course dates for 2019 are coming your way!

Level 1: Health Navigation Fundamentals
Join us in Arvada on Jan. 30-Feb. 1 for Health Navigation Fundamentals. Topics in this comprehensive “Level 1” training include patient communication, health promotion, professional conduct and motivational interviewing. This course will be offered quarterly, depending on demand. Our online Level 1 course will be offered in March.

Basic Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing is a patient-centered communication technique that helps people resolve ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior. In this interactive workshop, you will learn basic MI techniques you can use with patients to help support behavior change: open-ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening and summarizing. This one-day course will be offered Jan. 24 in Arvada. Please note: This is the same content that is covered on Day 2 of the Health Navigation Fundamentals Course. It is designed for those new to MI or who would like a skills refresher.

Care Coordination Online 
Join us online in March for this 4-week course! We will explore care coordination and related concepts, including their application to practice and commonly encountered challenges. You will be guided step-by-step to learn the basic skills and advanced strategies to enhance team-based care and client engagement for better health outcomes, patient safety, and workflow efficiency.

Care Coordination ECHO series
Learn practical care coordination skills from experts and peers within a multi-professional team during this free six-week learning series. You will connect with your peers in an interactive, virtual setting to work through case examples and practice skills.  Learn how you can better understand, communicate, and work at the top of your scope. Recommended Prerequisite: Care Coordination for Health Navigators course. This series will be offered quarterly in 2019 as part of a study in partnership with PNTC. Learn More

Dates coming soon …
We will also offer Advanced Motivational Interviewing and Care Coordination in-person in 2019. Social and Emotional Aspects of Disease Online course will be offered in fall 2019.

Motivational Interviewing Virtual Workshop: Reaching the Hard to Reach for Cancer Screening Wed, 26 Sep 2018 16:26:54 +0000

Join us online for a virtual MI workshop Oct. 23!

This event is sponsored by the Colorado Community Health Worker, Patient Navigator and Promotore de Salud Alliance.

Please join the CHW PN PdS Alliance for the first installment of a three part series focused on motivational interviewing for patient navigators, community health workers and promotores.

This series will specifically target reaching the “hard to reach’” population for cancer screening.  The first session will focus on the basic skills of motivational Interviewing and applying case studies around specific barriers to apply and practice motivational interviewing.  This work is based off of the experience of the Colorado Cancer Screening Program for colorectal cancer and now expanded to also include breast and cervical screening, HPV vaccination, lung cancer screening and also prostate screening.

We encourage participation statewide and specifically invite rural partners to join us for this special event.

This “virtual workshop” will be held using Zoom, which is free and easy to use. Zoom will allow us to connect face-to-face, without requiring travel. The trainer for this workshop will utilize breakout rooms so that participants have an opportunity to practice skills.

Funding for this initiative is provided from the Colorado Cancer Coalition, so it is FREE for participants.


Space is limited and we ask that anyone registering is planning to actively participate in this interactive online session.

Registration open for Care Coordination Online course Tue, 18 Sep 2018 22:13:54 +0000 NEW ONLINE COURSE! Care Coordination for Patient Navigators focuses on the role of the patient navigator in team-based care coordination. We will explore care coordination and related concepts, including their application to practice and commonly encountered challenges. You will be guided step-by-step to learn the basic skills and advanced strategies to enhance team-based care and client engagement for better health outcomes, patient safety, and workflow efficiency.

This course is designed for care coordinators, case managers, patient navigators, health navigators and others who want to provide high quality, coordinated care to their clients. Also appropriate for nurses and social workers doing care coordination.

This is a pilot course and is being offered free of charge to Colorado residents. Out of state participants are $75.

Course format
This course is an instructor-led virtual course (not self-paced). The format include both online coursework (reading, assignments, quizzes) as well as Live Learning Sessions via Zoom web conferencing.

This course runs Oct 13-Nov. 9 with live sessions at noon MT on Fridays.

Register ]]>
Social Determinants of Health course: Learn strategies to improve health equity Tue, 03 Apr 2018 02:55:51 +0000 The Patient Navigator Training Collaborative, in partnership with the Denver Prevention Training Center, is offering two Social Determinants and Health Equity courses this spring.

This two-day course examines the effects of social determinants of health such as economic status, stigma, homophobia, racism and other social and political issues on risk, prevalence, and access to services.  Participants will become familiar with strategies for improving health equity so that individuals are more empowered to make healthy choices regardless of their living condition, income, sexual orientation or ethnic background.

Upcoming courses:

May 2 & 3: Glenwood Springs, CO

June 12 & 13: Arvada, CO

This course is brought to you by the Denver Prevention Training Center. Due to grant funds through June 2018, this course is FREE.

Health Literacy Networking event Wed, 21 Feb 2018 04:00:37 +0000 Join the Colorado Health Literacy Coalition Feb. 28 for a FREE networking event.

Tamas Farkas, Interpreter and Program Manager at the Interpreter Network, a program of the Spring Institute. Born in Budapest Hungary, Tamas moved to the United States in 1999. He attended university at Metropolitan State University of Denver, spending one year abroad in Fribourg, Switzerland studying at the University of Fribourg. After graduating with a B.A. in German and French, he spent a year in San Juan, Puerto Rico learning Spanish. At Spring Institute, Tamas is excited to do everything he can to help everyone have access to the public services they deserve.

Tamas will talk with us about the importance of literacy as it relates to interpretation, as well as using plain language when interacting with an interpreter.

• Connect with other champions of health literacy.
• Increase your knowledge of and skills in health literacy.
• Improve written and spoken communication with your patients or clients in a variety of settings.

• Parking: Metered parking and paid lots.
• Refreshments: Visit the Spring Café on the first floor for a FREE drip coffee and sweet bread.
• RSVP here.

Advanced Health Literacy: Nov 28 in Denver Thu, 09 Nov 2017 16:36:02 +0000 Did you know that more than one-third of the US population has basic or below basic health literacy skills? The ability to understand, interpret, and process health information is known as health literacy. Patients need to understand health messages in order to make appropriate health decisions for themselves and family members, and patient navigators are essential in helping communicate this important information.

The Advanced Health Literacy course is designed to help Patient Navigators recognize patients with low health literacy and how to increase comprehension, readability, retention and apply skills to increase health outcomes.

Learning Objectives

This 1-day training will be highly interactive and activity based. By the end of the training, you will be able to:

  • Identify a variety of health education materials that are appropriate for your patients/clients.
  • Modify your verbal communication (e.g. word choice, explanations) to increase patient/client understanding of health-related information.
  • Use appropriate strategies to checking for understanding in order make sure that the patients/clients that you work understand important health information.

Advanced Health Literacy for Patient Navigators
When: 9-5 pm Nov. 28
Where: Mile High Youth Corps, 6740 East Colfax Avenue, DenverCO 80220

Care Coordination for Patient Navigators – Nov 2 in Denver Fri, 20 Oct 2017 14:57:28 +0000 navigator helping an hispanic manDo you want to learn how to provide high-quality, coordinated care for your clients? Sign up today for our 1-day workshop, Care Coordination for Patient Navigators! Expand on the knowledge and skills learned in the Level 1 course. By the end of this fun, interactive training, you will:


  • Define care coordination
  • Describe Care coordination activities
  • Describe which patient groups would most benefit from care coordination
  • Demonstrate 9 Foundational Care Coordination Activities
  • Demonstrate how to support patient self-management goals
  • Create, communicate review and revise a plan of care
  • Discuss ways to measure effects of Care Coordination

Prerequisite: Level 1: Patient Navigator Fundamentals

Care Coordination for Patient Navigators
When: 9 am-5 pm Thursday, Nov 2
Where: Mile High Youth Corps Community Room at East Montclair Community Center, 6740 E. Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 802270


Register ]]>
Health Literacy workshop coming to Pueblo Fri, 08 Sep 2017 18:41:54 +0000 Did you know that more than one-third of the US population has basic or below basic health literacy skills? The ability to understand, interpret, and process health information is known as health literacy. Patients need to understand health messages in order to make appropriate health decisions for themselves and family members, and patient navigators are essential in helping communicate this important information.

The Advanced Health Literacy course is designed to help Patient Navigators recognize patients with low health literacy and how to increase comprehension, readability, retention and apply skills to increase health outcomes.

Learning Objectives

This 1-day training will be highly interactive and activity based. By the end of the training, you will be able to:

  • Identify a variety of health education materials that are appropriate for your patients/clients.
  • Modify your verbal communication (e.g. word choice, explanations) to increase patient/client understanding of health-related information.
  • Use appropriate strategies to checking for understanding in order make sure that the patients/clients that you work understand important health information.

This workshop will be held in partnership with the Patient Navigator/ Community Health Worker/Promotor de Salud Alliance and will include a meeting over lunch featuring PN work and opportunity in Southern Colorado. The featured speaker will be Michelle East with Pueblo Community Health Center.

Advanced Health Literacy
When: 8:30-5 pm Oct. 10
Where: Pueblo Community College, Pueblo, CO

To register for the Oct. 10 Alliance meeting ONLY (not the Health Literacy course) click here.

Fall courses announced – sign up today Tue, 29 Aug 2017 21:11:32 +0000 Check out the Patient Navigator trainings coming your way this fall!

Social Determinants and Health Equity: Widening the Lens of Health Promotion

This two-day course will examine the effects of social determinants of health such as economic status, stigma, homophobia, racism and other social and political issues on risk, prevalence and access to services.  A continuum of approaches will be introduced to assist patient navigators with implementation strategies to address these concerns.
When: Sept 28 & 29
Where: Community First Foundation, Arvada, CO

Online Course: Social and Emotional Aspects of Disease

This 7-week online course helps patient navigators understand their role and how to help patients and their caregivers deal with complex emotional issues related to chronic disease. Course activities include readings, online tutorials, videos, quizzes and online discussions, plus three live learning sessions.
When: Sept 18-Nov 5

Advanced Motivational Interviewing

This Level 2 motivational interviewing (MI) course builds on the fundamental concepts and basic skills learned in the Patient Navigator Level 1 course. You will expand your skills related to the strategic use of questions and reflections to build upon and deepen client change talk.
When: Sept. 29
Where: Anschutz Health & Wellness Center, Aurora, CO

Facilitation Skills for Patient Navigators

Are you a patient navigator looking to enhance your group education sessions or improve collaboration with your co-workers? Or maybe you’re a PN manager seeking to learn more about group dynamics and the individual needs of your employees. Whether you facilitate group-level interventions, staff meetings, or other group activities, this training is for you. All experience levels welcome.
When: Oct. 11 and 12
Where: Community First Foundation, Arvada, CO

When will you announce more Level 1 courses??
Don’t worry – more Level 1 opportunities for this fall are coming soon. Be the first to know about all the latest courses by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

Exciting Changes Up Ahead!
The Patient Navigator Training Collaborative is getting ready to unveil a new look for our web site! Stayed tuned for these exciting updates.
