Level 3 | Patient Navigator Training Collaborative https://patientnavigatortraining.org Navigate to new knowledge and skills. Mon, 15 Aug 2016 18:05:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 81030388 PN Supervisor Course Scheduled for Colorado Springs https://patientnavigatortraining.org/pn-supervisor-course-scheduled-for-colorado-springs/ Mon, 15 Aug 2016 18:05:31 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=6174 13248552_611988258957360_754347694429972109_oAre you a patient navigator supervisor, manager, evaluator or planning to implement a patient navigator program? Then this course is for you! Learn more about defining the PN role, how to craft job descriptions, and  how to identify the training needs of your patient navigator staff.

The course provides a basic understanding of the patient navigator intervention model, reviews challenges facing PN program managers and provides strategies for an effective PN program.

We will review identifying evidenced-based clinical guidelines utilizing registries for identifying patients, developing standard work flows, PN training, key supervision needs and evaluation of PN services.

Level 3: Patient Navigator Supervisor: Leading and Administering a Patient Navigation Program
Time/Date: 9 am-5 pm, Sept. 29
Location: Tim Gill Center,  315 E. Costilla Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Register Here

What people are saying about this course:

I appreciate some of the guidance on best practices and program outcomes. I expect to reference what has been shared in the training as I prepare to make some programmatic changes.”

“I’m much clearer about the different roles and labels to unblur the lines for our clinics! The information really sparked my interest in capturing qualitative data and have already begun to research how other industries are doing this!”

Upcoming advanced workshops in Pueblo https://patientnavigatortraining.org/upcoming-advanced-workshops-in-pueblo/ Tue, 17 May 2016 21:56:31 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=5923 Pueblo-Sign 400.jpg

The Patient Navigator Training Collaborative is holding two advanced workshops in Pueblo at the beginning of June. See more details and links to sign up below!

Advanced Health Behavior Change (Level 2) is a must if you work with clients on behavior change.  This course provides tools and strategies to help clients around diet, exercise, diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention and control. This workshop is highly interactive and you will walk away with plenty of resources.

Are you a patient navigator supervisor or looking to become one? Check out our Leading and Administering a Patient Navigation Program workshop. This Level 3 course course provides a basic understanding of the patient navigator (PN) intervention model, reviews challenges facing PN program managers and provides strategies for an effective PN program.

Advanced Health Behavior Change – Pueblo
Date/Time: June 1, 2016, 9 am-5 pm
Location: Southeastern Area Health Education Center, 503 N Main St, Pueblo CO
Register Here

Patient Navigator Supervisor: Leading and Administering a Patient Navigation Program – Pueblo
Date/Time: June 2, 2016, 9 am-5 pm
Location: Southeastern Area Health Education Center, 503 N Main St, Pueblo CO
Register Here

Two Level 3 Workshops – Open for Registration https://patientnavigatortraining.org/two-level-3-workshops-open-for-registration/ Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:18:27 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=4754 imagesCANH626V

Here’s an opportunity to attend two great level 3 courses June 2-4th in Denver. Level 3 courses are designed for those who supervise, manage and are developing patient navigator programs. Take one or the two courses in conjunction!

Pre-requisite for both courses: Must be a patient navigator supervisor, manager, evaluator or planning to implement a patient navigator program.

Patient Navigator Supervisor: Leading and Administering a Patient Navigator Program

The course provides a basic understanding of the patient navigator (PN) intervention model, reviews challenges facing PN program managers and provides strategies for an effective PN program. We will review identifying evidenced-based clinical guidelines utilizing registries for identifying patients, developing standard work flows, PN training, key supervision needs and evaluation of PN services.

Using Evaluation

This two-day course is designed to meet the needs of Patient Navigator Supervisors who want to increase basic evaluation skills. Participants will learn to use evaluation to improve prevention interventions; define common evaluation terms; use logic models to describe interventions; develop and prioritize evaluation questions; identify steps to prepare for evaluation; and identify strategies for building evaluation capacity within their organization

To register, click on each course name or register for both here.
