Level 2 | Patient Navigator Training Collaborative https://patientnavigatortraining.org Navigate to new knowledge and skills. Wed, 15 Mar 2017 16:00:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 81030388 Advanced Patient Navigator workshops coming to Durango https://patientnavigatortraining.org/advanced-patient-navigator-workshops-coming-to-durango/ Tue, 14 Mar 2017 19:08:02 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=6676

We are pleased to announce that the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative, in partnership with Southwestern Colorado Area Health Education Center, is bringing 3 advanced patient navigator workshops to beautiful Durango, CO, in May 2017. Details and links to register are below. All workshops will be held at Fort Lewis College and are FREE to Colorado residents!

May 9: Advanced Care Coordination

Healthcare delivery is often fragmented, resulting in higher costs, poor health outcomes and decreased patient satisfaction. In this course, you will learn what patient groups will benefit most from care coordination and what these activities look like. You will leave will the knowledge and skills to provide high-quality, coordinated care for your clients.

May 10: Advanced Motivational Interviewing

This workshop builds on the MI concepts introduced in our Level 1 course. MI is designed to address a patient’s ambivalence to change. This is a great skill to have in your toolbox to reduce resistance, help your clients set goals and ultimately improve patient outcomes. Join us for this fun, interactive workshop!

May 11: Advanced Health Behavior Change

Help your clients reach their goals! This workshop provides a deeper dive into tools and strategies to help clients around diet, exercise, diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention and control. There is a small amount of online prework required prior to the in-person course.

Please note that the perquisite to attend these workshops is Level 1: Patient Navigator Fundamentals or equivalent work experience. We are exploring the possibility of holding a Level 1 course in Durango in Fall 2017.

Questions? Contact Erin Martinez at 303-724-7764 or erin.martinez@ucdenver.edu.


Photo courtesy Bill Grimes/Fort Lewis College

Join us online for Emotional and Social Aspects of Disease https://patientnavigatortraining.org/join-us-online-for-emotional-and-social-aspects-of-disease/ Thu, 26 Jan 2017 18:00:35 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=6537 Registration is now open for our Level 2 online course, Emotional and Social Aspects of Disease. This course was recently revised to be less time-intensive and we are excited to offer it to you this spring.

This online course helps patient navigators understand their role and how to help patients and caregivers deal with complex emotional issues related to chronic disease.

Course runs for 7 weeks, Feb. 13 to April 4, 2017 and will be facilitated by Kathleen Garrett.

Course Format: This is an online course. This course is led by an instructor, not self-paced.  ALL course activities take place via the Internet. There will be three live sessions during the course conducted via Zoom web conferencing. It is preferred if you have a web cam, but not required.

You will login to a course website to complete activities. Course activities include readings, online tutorials, videos, quizzes and online discussions. Activities are required each week. You will complete all activities independently and use the discussion tool to interact with other students 2-3 times per week.

Live sessions via Zoom:

– Tuesday, Feb 14: Noon-1 pm: Course Overview, Meet your Classmates
– Tuesday, March 7: Noon-1 pm: Live Discussion (topics to be announced)
– Tuesday, April 4: Noon-1 pm: Course Wrap Up, Q&A

Upcoming advanced workshops in Pueblo https://patientnavigatortraining.org/upcoming-advanced-workshops-in-pueblo/ Tue, 17 May 2016 21:56:31 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=5923 Pueblo-Sign 400.jpg

The Patient Navigator Training Collaborative is holding two advanced workshops in Pueblo at the beginning of June. See more details and links to sign up below!

Advanced Health Behavior Change (Level 2) is a must if you work with clients on behavior change.  This course provides tools and strategies to help clients around diet, exercise, diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention and control. This workshop is highly interactive and you will walk away with plenty of resources.

Are you a patient navigator supervisor or looking to become one? Check out our Leading and Administering a Patient Navigation Program workshop. This Level 3 course course provides a basic understanding of the patient navigator (PN) intervention model, reviews challenges facing PN program managers and provides strategies for an effective PN program.

Advanced Health Behavior Change – Pueblo
Date/Time: June 1, 2016, 9 am-5 pm
Location: Southeastern Area Health Education Center, 503 N Main St, Pueblo CO
Register Here

Patient Navigator Supervisor: Leading and Administering a Patient Navigation Program – Pueblo
Date/Time: June 2, 2016, 9 am-5 pm
Location: Southeastern Area Health Education Center, 503 N Main St, Pueblo CO
Register Here

Spring courses announced https://patientnavigatortraining.org/spring-courses-announced/ Wed, 16 Mar 2016 21:30:52 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=5846 Plogo_vecut some spring in your step by signing up for one of our upcoming courses!

Level 1: Patient Navigator Fundamentals –
3 upcoming sessions

Topics in this comprehensive “Level 1” training include patient communication, health promotion, professional conduct and motivational interviewing.

April 11-13: Castle Rock
May 10-12: Denver
May 25-27: Glenwood Springs

Level 2 courses

Advanced Health Behavior Change – Aurora, CO
This course focuses on behavior change around chronic disease, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention and control.
April 15
June 3

Advanced Care Coordination – Denver, CO
Coordinated care contributes to patient-centered, high-quality care. This Level 2 course prepares patient navigators to coordinate care for their clients.
April 22

Advanced Motivational Interviewing for Patient Navigators – Aurora, CO
In this course you will expand your skills related to the strategic use of questions and reflections to build upon and deepen client change talk.
May 13 

Space still available in upcoming Level 2 course https://patientnavigatortraining.org/space-still-available-in-upcoming-level-2-courses/ Mon, 08 Feb 2016 23:15:01 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=5785 logo_vecLooking to improve your patient navigation skills? There’s still space available in our February Level 2 course. See below for details.

Advanced Care Coordination – Feb. 18
Location: Society of Certified Senior Advisors
720 S. Colorado Blvd. #750-N, Denver, CO

This Level 2 course prepares patient navigators to coordinate care for their clients consistent with Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) guidelines and requirements.

Register here

Note: Level 1 is a prerequisite for Level 2 courses.

Advanced Health Behavior Change course rescheduled https://patientnavigatortraining.org/advanced-health-behavior-change-course-rescheduled/ Thu, 03 Dec 2015 19:08:13 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=5699 The Advanclogo_vecd Heath Behavior Change course planned for Dec. 11 has been rescheduled for after the holidays. The new date is Jan. 29, 2016. Please see more details below.

Advanced Health Behavior Change – Jan. 29 in Aurora, CO

This course focuses on chronic disease, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention and control. It is hybrid course which includes an online component and a one day skills practice workshop designed for patient navigators, care coordinators, clinical and non-clinical practice staff.

You must register for both the online and in-person components.

Recommended Prerequisite: Level 1 Patient Navigator Fundamentals Course (or see course instructor)

Additional Recommended Prerequisite: Advanced motivational interviewing (MI) or a total of 12 hours of MI training (or see course instructor)

Register for Advanced Health Behavior Change ]]>
New advanced courses added https://patientnavigatortraining.org/new-advanced-courses-added/ Tue, 24 Nov 2015 16:23:48 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=5655 logo_vec




Improve your Patient Navigation skills with one of these workshops – just added! Sign up soon as space is limited.

Advanced Health Behavior Change – Dec. 11 in Aurora, CO

This course focuses on chronic disease, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention and control. It is hybrid course which includes an online component and a one day skills practice workshop designed for patient navigators, care coordinators, clinical and non-clinical practice staff.

You must register for both the online and in-person components.

Recommended Prerequisite: Level 1 Patient Navigator Fundamentals Course (or see course instructor)

Additional Recommended Prerequisite: Advanced motivational interviewing (MI) or a total of 12 hours of MI training (or see course instructor)

Register for Advanced Health Behavior Change

Using Evaluation for Program Improvement and Capacity Building for Patient Navigation – Jan 13-14 in Arvada, CO

This two-day course offered by the Denver Prevention Training Center is designed to meet the needs of Patient Navigator Supervisors who want to increase basic evaluation skills. Participants will learn to use evaluation to improve prevention interventions; define common evaluation terms; use logic models to describe interventions; develop and prioritize evaluation questions; identify steps to prepare for evaluation; and identify strategies for building evaluation capacity within their organization.

Register for Using Evaluation for Program Improvement ]]>
Level 2: Advanced Care Coordination – Registration Open https://patientnavigatortraining.org/level-2-advanced-care-coordination-registration-open/ Wed, 06 May 2015 16:20:31 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=4792 imagesCAY22RAH

Healthcare delivery can be very fragmented, which often results in poor health outcomes, patient dissatisfaction, and higher healthcare costs. Coordinated care contributes to patient-centered, high-quality care.

This Level 2 course prepares patient navigators to coordinate care for their clients consistent with Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) guidelines and requirements.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Define care coordination
  • Describe care coordination activities
  • Describe which patient groups would most benefit from care coordination
  • Demonstrate 9 Foundational care coordination Activities
  • Demonstrate how to support patient self-management goals
  • Create, communicate review and revise a plan of care
  • Discuss ways to measure effects of care coordination

PREREQUISITE: Completion of the Patient Navigator Fundamentals Level 1 training or have the permission from the instructor.

Register for Level 2: Advanced Care Coordination now while spaces are open!


Level 2 Facilitation Skills – Registration Open! https://patientnavigatortraining.org/level-2-facilitation-skills-registration-open/ Wed, 29 Apr 2015 17:27:37 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=4777 people

Interested in enhancing your group-level facilitation skills?  Register for the Level 2 Facilitation Skills workshop taking place this June 29-30th.

  • Enhance facilitation skills relevant to Patient Navigators delivering group-level intervention
  • Focus on the development of new skills as well as the enhancement of existing skills
  • Assess your own facilitation skills, understand your strengths and how to fortify those skills

This workshop is delivered through our partners, the Denver Prevention Training Center. Register now!

Advanced Motivational Interviewing – Registration Open! https://patientnavigatortraining.org/advanced-motivational-interviewing-registration-open/ Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:09:18 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=4745 team_kathy

If you haven’t had a chance to attend the Advanced (Level 2) Motivational Interviewing course, take advantage of the opportunity to attend one in Denver on June 16th.

Building off of the skills you learned in the introductory class, you will:

  • Expand your use of questions and reflections to deepen change talk
  • Learn to reduce client resistance

Register now!


Online Course – Open for Registration https://patientnavigatortraining.org/online-course-open-for-registration/ Wed, 15 Apr 2015 20:29:14 +0000 http://patientnavigatortraining.org/?p=4665 butterflies

The 7-week online course, Emotional and Social Aspects of Disease will be starting next month!

This Level 2 course helps patient navigators understand their role and how to help patients and their caregivers deal with complex emotional issues related to chronic disease.

For more information on the course please visit our calendar or register here.


